She groggily opened her eyes, and smiled, " yay we made it"
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Vincent smiles and sets her down before walking over grabs hay and made a bed before saying " it your still sleepy you can sleep on this
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"Thanks, but I am good, you should sleep, you walked all this way", she smiled at him
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Vincent laughs and said " I not tried I been up for hours feels like I should have grab book before we left"
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" haha, lucky thing I grabbed one" she reached into her side pack and brought out a book, and handed it to Vincent, she smiled as she did so
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Vincent said " how did you grab one " as he laughs and opens it up looking at then pages and shakes his head before saying " well we better get comfortable hopefully you dad didn't care about you gone "
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" hmm he only really cared about himself" she shrugged in her hay pile and watched Vincent settle into his, with a smile she said "good night"
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Vincent said " yeah that true good night " before leaning against the wall he really didn't sleep vampire don't sleep
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She slept peacefully, but she felt cold, she tried to pull her long sleeve around more, but it was already occupied
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Vincent watches her takes his shirt off and lays in on her before walking out of the barn and lean again the wall watching the sky and said " mom I need you help"
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