Max gave a nod and as soon as her fiancee was laying down the way she wanted she began massaging though her grip was lighter due to her own injuries. "Any better?" She asked as (as an after thought) she tried using some of her healing magic to try and help relax his muscles.
Sage propped his chin on his forearms and nodded with a kind of hum type answer. "Yeah, a bit." It was helping, and while he didn't want Max to strain herself helping him, it really felt nice, even without any magic. "Just don't push yourself. If you start hurting then stop, alright?"
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Maxine nodded "Don't worry I can't do this much longer..." She told him with a mild chuckle. After a few extra minutes she pulled her hands away and relaxed on the bed beside him "I'm glad I made you feel somewhat better at least though." She cooed.
Sage smiled and sighed. "I'll be fine. I feel better just being home with you and Charlie," he admitted softly. It was good to be home...and it was even better that he had a place to call home now. And a family - they'd be married soon, and he had a daughter.
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Maxine gave a nod and kissed his cheek "Good." She said happily. A week or so passed and Max was in full wedding mode... Aside from taking care of Charlie she was busy putting together a small intimate wedding for she and Sage and their friends... It was a nice distraction from thinking about her parents... That is until it was time to start actually inviting people. Travis had invited Sage out for a few hours that night and was chatting with him in a bar "So has Max driven you completely insane with the wedding things?" He teased "I remember when my wife and I got married... I was so useless..." He chuckled.
Sage chuckled in reponse to Travis's question. "She's been pretty busy with it. I just hold things and answer questions." He didn't really mind doing it, though...it was for their wedding, and she'd quite honestly be better at organizing an event and decorating and whatever else needed to get done than him. "She goes about a million miles an hour, though. I dunno how she suddenly has that much energy," he laughed with a slight shake of his head.
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Travis chuckled "Yep pretty much what I did too." he admitted 'I don't know or care much about lights and things like that..." he chuckled "Also to answer your question its because she wants it so much." he guessed "At least thats what Hailey said to me... but she also had help from her folks and friends." he admitted "She's definitely going to need that when it comes to her dress... let me tell you." he chuckled taking a sip of his beer.
Sage chuckled and nodded. "Hopefully Lizzie can come help out," he mused. "Max doesn't have a whole lot of friends," he admitted. He slipped his beer and then chuckled. "Gotta say, she's been pretty excited, so I can see that. We've been meaning to do this forever, but then I got enlisted and just got back home." He shrugged. "And Charlie got sick so we've had to deal with that. It's been a bit crazy."
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"Mmhm..." Travis nodded "Hailey would be happy to as well i'm sure." he told him "Besides its a valid reason for them to meet before the wedding." he chuckled giving a nod "When Ollie got sick we were beside ourselves... so I know how that goes." he assured before giving a small sigh"So... speaking of family have Max's given their seal of approval yet? Or are you not super traditional?" he asked "I'll tell ya I wasn't super traditional but I still asked her father for permission... it took a few weeks but he saw we were great together and gave me his blessing by week 3 and it was the best feeling ever." he admitted.
Sage chuckled and nodded "I'll see ifac would want Hailey to stop by sometime." Then he wrinkled his nose. "Max's parents are....I don't know...." He went silent for a moment as he tried to figure out how to word his response. "I've never met them," he finally admitted. "And Mac hasn't talked to them since she moved out. She's not even sure she wants to invite them." He shook his head slightly. "I barely know anything about them."
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