
Amira had a more stressful day at work, more than relieved to go home and sleep. She walked in the door and sighed, going to the bedroom and got volleyball shorts along with a t-shirt on for bed. She flopped into bed, almost immedietly falling alseep
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Sage was working, but when he glanced at the clock and knew she should be getting home soon, he moved to se if she was there. She was asleep, so he tucked her in quietly and went back to painting. He'd work until she woke up
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Amira woke an hour later, still tired, but feeling slightly better as she walked to Sage's studio. "Hey, love." She greeted, walking over to him
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Sage had kept one side of his earbuds just draped over his shoulder, ear open, so he could hear her if she woke or needed anything. His music was in the other ear still, so it was fine. When he heard her, he glanced over and greeted her happily. "Nice nap," he asked lightly
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"Yeah, sorry. Today was....crazy" She said, walking to sit by him
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He chuckled softly, letting her sit down by him but continuing to paint since he was almost done. It was just a forest scene, so simple enough. He wanted it to be done and shipped by tomorrow. "That's all right," he mused. "Gave me a chance to finish this order anyway," he noted lightly
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"It's beautiful" She said, looking at it
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Sage hummed softly and nodded. "Well, it's worth a couple hundred bucks so it had better look good I suppose," he noted with a laugh.
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"I'm gonna go make dinner." She said, getting up and walking to the kitchen before making chicken alfredo. She served Sage and went to take care of leftovers and the dishes after she put the containers in the fridge. Amira walked to the laundry room and started the washer before walking back to the bedroom. She wasn't hungry and turned on a movie as background noise while she scrolled through Tiktok
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Sage nodded in resposne to her comment about dinner, kissing her happily. "I'll be in in about ten minutes," he chirped, finishing the painting and cleaning up, before moving to the kitchen just as she was finishing dinner. He dug in hungrily, her food delicious as always, and then moved to flop down next to her as she scrolled, just glad to sit in silence with her
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