
Trixie nodded, giving him a small, bright smile. "Well, it's been nice." She shrugged, trying to get herself reinserted into her work. When he spoke again she looked up, giving a fainter smile than before. "I doubt it. But maybe. Bye for now, Matt." She said, giving him a light wave and reaching for her airpod.

"Yeah I take that back" Matt mumbled, not acknowledge her goodbye as he stood up after he'd packed his stuff away. More than anything her last comment seemed rude, but there was a a good chance he was taking it wrong on purpose. Just to cause negativity. He pushed himself through the tables past her, heading out the door and down the street, relaying the conversation with Trixie in his mind.

"Alright then." Trixie shrugged, watching him leave as she put her airpod in. "Ornery, much?" She chuckled, rolling her eyes and looking at her watch. Unfortunately, she actually had to go. She had a lunch meeting with Peter, her brother, that she realized she was five minutes late for. "Oh, shit-" She hissed, scurrying about throwing her things into her bag. Of course, she managed to spill her tea on her shirt. She had no time to fix it, so she would just have to deal with it. She tossed her trash out and glared at her white shirt, making her way out of the store with a frustrated sigh.

Matt hadn't made his way out of the coffee shop too quickly, he wasn't too set on making his way back to the house, which one of his parents had pretty much paid for since finding out he was there. If he had it his way he would have flown back to Italy straight away, but his family didn't seem to want to even acknowledge him and so his dad had offered anything to keep him there. Which by now seemed like the worst thing in the world. As he looked back at his surroundings as he wandered down the street he caught a glimpse of Trixie, raising his eyebrows at a rather strong looking stain on her shirt from the distance. He let out a small huff by means of a laugh, and turned himself back around to carry on walking.

Trixie walked fast. Her apartment was too far to make it there and to their place for lunch, and she had a class after it. She sighed, whipping her phone out. It took her a moment to decide, but she ended up thumbing out a text saying she would be late.

i feel like we'll struggle to write if they're not interacting, do you know if we should skip at all?

Yeah- maybe they see each other at a restaurant? Shes having dinner with someone, hes doing the same, they see each other and both end up outside at the same time?))

sounds good, would you like me to start or are you able to?

I'd love for you to start if it isnt too inconvenient lol

no not at all, i'm fine w that :)) - It had been about a week or so since Matt had encountered Trixie, and in all honesty he hadn't thought about her more than once in those days. Instead, his dad had flown over to see him with just one tiny thing to give him- a girl. He was always the sort of traditional "marry a family friend" type of guy, and so he had done just that by flying himself and her out to see him. Whilst Matt wasn't opposed to taking the girl out and quite possibly more, he was in no way marrying her. After an aimless argument Matt had settled on going to a rather fancy restaurant with the girl, who in his opinion was definitely not his type. Weirdly tall, red hair and all in all just talked too much. He headed into the restaurant with Layla following, doing his best to keep his attention on her as he scanned his surroundings while they waited to be seated, watching as she chatted about..one thing or another. - this was the only plot line i had i hope it makes sense lol) Edited at October 25, 2023 09:47 PM by Wayside Wilds