Regan nodded lightly to him with a bit of a huff. "No, I agree... but it is curious, is it not?" she hummed in thought before sighing. "I don't want to think of it," she then added with a heavy breath. "Buut, I do think it's odd that they don't tell us about any of it," she then added with a frown and a sigh. She did want to check it out... but all the same, she just want to be comfortable here, not worrying too much.
"Of course it is curious I just don't want you getting hurt trying to figure out where they're going." Tyler said gruffly, his brows drawn together. He couldn't help but realize he sounded a lot like an old man... but he just was unhappy about all this. The people leaving and whatnot. He stared into the bushes and thought for a moment, letting out a slow breath. Why would the people always leave? Why would... only some of them come back?
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"Tyler, you don't need to worry so much. You really are starting to sound like a hot grandpa," she joked to him, rolling her eyes. "I won't go and do anything unless I have a reason to... but if they ask you to go with them at any point, will you tell me? I want to be able to help if they do try something," she then asked him with furrowed brows. She didn't particularly want to do anything alone.. mainly because if she was caught snooping about, or they asked her to go out there with them, she wasn't at all sure what they would do to him.
Tyler let out a loud huff. "I can deal with you teasing me and calling me a GRANDPA but stop it with the added hot!" He snorted, shaking his head. Tyler listened to what she said and let out a short laugh. "If they ask me... it will be because they need to scare away a rabid animal or something." He joked, trying to relax a little. "I promise I'll tell you, but you have to do the same. They are a lot more likely to ask you" Tyler said quietly, thinking. It was very likely that if they were doing something dangerous, they might ask him... as a sacrifice of sorts. Lot's of rabid animals? Send in the powerhouse that might kill them all... but might die in the process. Tyler was sure none of them would care if he died, so that was a disturbing thought. OF COURSE he would tell Regan.
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"Chill out," she mused at his little snort. "It's funny - I'm laughing, see?" She asked with a happy grin. She really did find it amusing... mainly because she got a good reaction out of him. "I don't understand why you get upset about it - if one of your guy friends said it you probably wouldn't be so angry," she mused lightly before shrugging. She cocked her head at him. "What do you mean, they're more likely to ask me?" She asked with a cocked head. Though he did have a point. He was built like a bear... if they needed someone to do the scaring, then he would probably do it just fine.
Tyler let out an amused half whine. "But still, it's not funny unless both sides are laughing." He complained, his brows furrowing as he tried not to smile. "For one I do not have any 'guy friends' and for two if I did and they said something like that... I would probably make their face a pancake. The ONLY reason I do not do that to you is because you are a female." He narrowed his eyes slightly, sounding amused. Tyler sat for a moment before answering her question. "YES. C'mon Regan, you feed them!" He laughed, looking at her for a moment. "If they were going to trust anyone with their 'secret' it would be you."
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Regan rolled her eyes at him and gently bumped his side. "We've already established what we think is funny is very different." Regan looked at him for a moment, her smile only growing. "And I think this is hilarious," she giggled childishly. She hummed thoughtfully to him. "Really, none at all?" She asked curiously. "But why would you hit them? I don't think it's that deep. My friends always said that kind of thing to me," she mused lightly. She then wrinkled her nose at him. "Why would me being a girl make a difference? We're in the middle of an epidemic, it shouldn't be an issue," she chuckled lightly.
Tyler is just weird haha) - Tyler sat back at that comment, deciding to say nothing. It was true, so he wouldn't argue further. "None. At. All." He answered with a small smile. "ah... a couple different reasons. Most that you wouldn't understand, so I'm not going to bother explaining them." Tyler's small smile grew a tiny bit bigger as he quirked an eyebrow. "Well, back in the olden days, it was inpolite to hit a girl." He mused. "And I just won't do it," He shrugged. Tyler didn't really know why... but he had never hit, punched, kicked, or done anything to a female, even if it was for a good cause. For instance, the time when a really cruel teenager decided to start insulting his mother. And wouldn't shut up. Ever. Tyler tried every word he could to get her to be quiet, but, with the gossip goose she was... the word spread around, and nobody looked at Tyler the same. Plus they all depsised his mother, even though she was an amazing person that they had never met. That's half the reason he never really made any friends... and half the reason he got like he was. Anyway, Tyler stopped thinking about that and focused back on Regan.
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(He seems so innocent, it's cute lmao) She cocked her head at him, obviously curious. "You must have been so lonely then, huh?" She asked with a small frown. He'd mentioned he was avoided by others when he was in school... it didn't make much sense to her. She enjoyed being around him more than enough. She thought he was fun, and kindly and a good friend, and she wasn't at all scared of him in the slightest. She frowned at him. "I suppose it's a good thing that I'm your friend, then yeah? Not so lonely anymore," she told him with a bit of a chuckle. She then pouted to him. "Well, my dear Tyler, we're not in the olden days," she chuckled lightly. "If you wanted to hit me, I'm sure you would do it," she then added with a bit of a laugh.
Tyler tipped his head. "At first. I learned to get over it." He said quietly, his mind drifting back and forth in between his school and now. Tyler finally put a stop to that and closed his eyes a moment, letting out a breath. "Yes, it is a good thing." He cracked a small smile, glancing at Regan. "And no... I wouldn't. If I wanted to hit you I wouldnt, believe me. Lot's of people have tried to get me to hit them, and only the males have succeeded." He chuckled slightly, shaking his head. There was absolutely no way Tyler would ever hit Regan... she was his friend.
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