The medics opened the doors of the ambulance upon arriving and grabbed Dakota's bed. One nurse went to Nate, forcing him to drop her hand. "Sorry, you can see her in a bit" she said, looking at him. "Boyfriend, I'm assuming?" She asked. timeskiping a bit) Dakota's eyes fluttered open with a gasp, her heart monitor picking up speed until it settled again. Shed been out for nearly 2 days
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Nathan Croft - Nate was knelt by her bed, holding her hand close to his face. His head lay on the side of her bed, tear stains down his cheeks. Nate, lay asleep, holding her hand. He hadn't moved since he'd been able to see her after the doctors operated on her.
Dakota looked around as best she could without pain. "Nate..." She breathed, spotting him. She tried to move her hand but gasped as pain shot up her arm
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Nathan Croft - Nate remained asleep. He hadn't slept whatsoever the past few days, and only had fallen asleep 30ish minutes ago. He was out, in deep sleep.
A nurse came in to check on Dakota. "Hey, glad to see you awake." The nurse said, looking at the fluids and vitals. Dakota nodded with a gasp of pain. "He hasn't left, y'know " the nurse noted, gesturing to Nate. "He's my prince charming" Dakota muttered,.looking at him with adoration written all over her face
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Nathan Croft - Nate remained asleep.
Nathan Croft - Nate shifted in his sleep, gently pressing her hand to his lips and softly snoring.
Dakota watched him, a soft smile playing on her lips. She stroked his cheek with her thumb, loving. "I love you" she murmured, knowing he still couldn't hear her.
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Nathan Croft - Nate remained asleep for another hour or so before his eyes fluttered open.