
Trixie slowly felt her focus waning the longer she worked, with greater pauses for thought between sentences. She was so close to being done, he couldn't stop now... but she could take a break. Her gaze wandered from her computer screen, instinctively flicking toward the strange man. She was a little startled to find him looking back at her, quickly pulling her gaze back to her computer screen, but she wasn't seeing anything, her eyes unfocused slightly. She was breathing slightly faster than normal, her heartrate picked up a bit. She took a chance and slowly brought her gaze back to the man, letting out a small breath and raising her eyebrows ever so slightly.

Matt let a small, playful smile break out onto his lips as she looked up, and he lifted his gaze from her and back down to his laptop, before finally speaking up, grateful for not having to move seeing a she sat close enough to her. "You okay? You look like you've seen a ghost" he smiled, though his tone was hardly friendly. More..patronising. And slightly playful at least. Though that was pretty much Matts personality before the accident, one day he was angry, depressed, whatever came with it, and the next day purely flirty and slightly pushy.

This is exactly how horror movies start. Trixie thought blandly, bringing her gaze back to her computer screen as he did the same. "Just fine." She shrugged lightly, staring at her computer for a few moments and attempting to write out some sort of exposition sentence.

Matt raised his eyebrows at her blunt response, but it was exactly like he was offended by it. In fact, it urged him to talk more. "'Fine' doesn't really cut it out, are you sure you're okay?" he asked, brushing a couple strands of hair out of his eyes. As forward as Matt was, he obviously wasn't going to make any tempt to fully approach her, he wasn't trying to come off as anyone sketchy, even though he has grown up in Italy.

Trixie blinked as he spoke again, tilting her head slightly and lifting her gaze to observe him. "Surprisingly caring for a stranger. I'm okay, yeah. Are you, talking to a random woman you've never met before?" She asked, her tone slightly playful, not meant in an offensive way.

Matt nodded with a smile, sitting back at the finally less blunt reaction he'd gotten from this girl. Even her voice sounded incredibly familiar, and it set a slight pang of sadness through his system, though he pushed it down immediately. "I am. Though I don't usually approach good looking girls in a coffee shop, is that a problem?" he asked, his tone a little softer. As he finally started to talk in more than just a couple word sentences his accent shone through a little thicker.

Trixie lightly removed her airpod, slipping it quietly back into it's case. She gave him a light smile at the little, flirty comment. "Not a problem, no. As long as I count as a good looking girl." She said sarcastically, taking note of his accent. She couldn't quite pick it out- European, she could tell. He hadn't spoken enough for her to really tell.

Matt watched the girl place her airpod back in the case, his gaze flitting from her actions to her eyes. As thrilled as he was he had fully gotten her attention, it was hard to find things to say with the low down feeling he already knew her. Still, he gave a confident smile, nodding. "Of course you do" he said quietly, his gaze traveling down her for a couple seconds. "Do you have a boyfriend? I need to know if i've gotta hold back or not" he said, his tone teasing as he spoke.

Trixie almost let out a scoff at his confirmation, nodding lightly. "Then no, we don't have a problem." She chuckled, lightly lacing her fingers together and settling them in front of her as she looked at him. He looked... so familiar. She was trying desperately to place him, but no matter what, it didn't work. She gave him a small smile at his question, looking down at her hands and separating them to drag one along the table. "Well, now I know your intentions, don't I?" She teased, keeping her gaze downcast. Her relationship with Will was... complicated. He was so different than who he used to be. While she didn't blame him for getting into the accident, he was a totally different person now. They hadn't even spoken about... if they were together or not. She blew out a breath. "...No, I don't think I do." She decided lightly, lifting her gaze to him. It was surprising to her how easily the decision came.

The girls answer confused Matt slightly, leaving him wondering whether he actually should leave her alone or not. Him being the cocky guy he was, girls in a relationship didn't exactly bother him too much, if they weren't married it wouldn't last anyway was how he thought. But for some reason he seemed to need to act different towards the girl, and he couldn't place why at all. "I was just being polite" He smiled, carrying on his sentence. "You think? What's that meant to mean?" he asked, shifting his laptop aside so he could lean forward to be able to hear her a little better as a small crowd entered the coffee shop. For a second, his gaze settled on a girl walking past, though after he had looked her up and down his eyes locked back on the girl, and he waited for a reply.