
True lol- feel free to shut this down or modify it- it's a week or a couple weeks later, and shes in a coffee shop and he walks in? He, being him, tries to get flirty with her?

ooo so that means i get to play him being a prick again no? but that's fine lol we can do that, to avoid it being too awkward i'll just say he knows the area a little, went on holiday or whatever



It was a few weeks later; almost a month, when Trixie found herself in a local coffee shop, her laptop open in front of her. It was about 10:00, and she was working on a paper to put in for her English class. She was silent, and making good progress, listening to music through one airpod.

Matt had found his way around the area he had been pretty much dumped in pretty easily after a couple weeks, seeing as he knew it just a little. As unsettled as he was still being stuck in america, away from his family and friends, at least he had somewhere to actually..be. And though his life hasn't really had anything big happen in the past couple weeks he couldn't help but feel something was missing. Or like something had happened in the near past. As he entered the coffee shop he had been heading for he stuck his hand in his pocket, not bothering to look around as the door shut, keeping his gaze firmly on his own hands.

Trixie had been in her come for multiple months, around 4, so she was still fighting with every last drop of determination she had to make up her work. She barely glanced up when she saw someone enter the mostly vacant shop, doing a double take and staring at him for a few moments. He was so... familiar. Something about looking at him made her brain ache like something had been ripped out and longed to come back. She blinked a few times and shook her head, turning to her computer and trying to find her train of thought again. Strange.

As Matt finally decided to pay attention to his surroundings, he very quickly locked his gaze on a girl sat at one of the tables, seemingly doing work. He stopped for a split second, his brain working overtime to try and recognise her. He at least felt like he did? It took him a while to click onto the fact it was her he saw in the hospital, and so then decided he simply didn't care. He had half a mind to throw a 'what are you looking at' in her direction, but instead kept his words to himself, sitting at a table just opposite the girl, though he kept his gaze on her every now and then.

Trixie licked her lips somewhat tiredly, pausing to close her eyes and rest her head in her hands momentarily. After a few seconds, she yawned and lifted her head, glancing around to take in her surroundings. She managed to glaze her gaze over the strange man, who sat in a perfectly visible seat. She gave a small sigh and went back to work, tapping away on her computer.

After a couple more minutes Matt has decided against the stupid data input work he had been given pretty much as a job, and pushed his laptop aside, looking the girl over a couple times. He really did notice her, from somewhere but he just couldn't put his finger on it. Had he seen her before the accident? That would be unlikely seeing as he didn't live there then. He kept his gaze fully on her this time, tilting his head ever so slightly.