Light said yeah I agree I hate humans Lisa said do you have any family near you
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Diablo - um .. yes well sence my father was hard stallion there was a contrat made with the humans ... with the bigger hurds .. Louis - O um well no not really , there a town over so i do vist them every once a while
Light said oh I see when did you get the herd Lisa said oh will that nice when you can go see them just a town over
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Diablo - i got them just over a year now , so not long really he looked at her Louis it is nice but also they tend to show up unanounced too ....
Light said nice you are a very good herd stallion Lisa smiles and said they just want to surprise you as she brought the hamburger and fries and hand on to him
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Diablo , thanks love he nuzzles her louis ya , i know but it was just bad timing that all
Light said no problem she nuzzle him Lisa laughs and said yeah I guess you can try to break them to say
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Diablo ,smiles nuzzles louis , smiles then takes a bite of the burger and thinks wow this is really good , this is really good lisa , he looked at her
Light whines before bite her belly Lisa said thank you I got tought by my mom
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