Zephyr ate his meal quickly, yet didn't gulp anything down. At her words he tilted his head. "So you're an artist, too. And a rather good one, if I may add." He commented, noticing the wy the lines just flew onto the paper like silk. "Is there anything you can't do?" He joked. "I saw you are really good at softball. It's confusing to me though. I'm pretty sure the extent of my softball comes from the Costello and Abbot joke that isn't even about softball- it's about baseball." Zephyr snorted slightly.
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She shook her head. "I'm not that good at softball. One of the assistant coaches yelled at me yesterday because I 'slid wrong' I did exactly what thre head coach told me." There was a hint of pain in her eyes. "There's a game in two weeks. Maybe I can figure out how to 'properly slide' before then" she finished her drawing. She turned the paper around so he could see the rose from the right angle. "Could be better. Oh I know!" She flipped it back around and added some small details and shading here and there before flipping it around yet again. "Done " she pulled her sketchbook out and flipped through quickly before finding her kitten and puppy page. She flipped it over and gingerly stuffed the rose picture in behind it
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Zephyr lifted an eyebrow. "I beg to differ." He answered before listening to what she said. "That rude lady that yelled in your face? If it were me, I wouldn't listen to her. Okay, well, if it were me I'd probably rudely tell her to go out and show me the *right* way to do it." He winced slightly. "The slide looked great to me, not that I know too much, and you'll do great at the game too." He commented before glancing at the paper. Hey, he could tell it was a rose! If he tried to draw something it looked like a 5 year old had doodled it with a blunt pencil in their non-dominant hand. "That one of the kittens and puppies is really good." Zeph couldn't help but say- it had definitely caught his eye.
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Sophia stopped. "Oh. This one?" She pulled out the picture. The kittens were sleeping in a basket, one kitten climbing out. Puppies were playing on the floor and batting at each other. "It's just colored pencils. If I had access to the good lead pencils, it would be more realistic" she shrugged and put it away. "Softball sucks sometimes. Kind of repetitive if you ask me." She shook her head, putting the sketchbook away and finishing her lunch. "What's your next class?" She asked with a tilt of her head
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(Not me going: What classes are offered in highschool....??? XD. Homeschooled <3 LOL) +++ Zephyr nodded as he gazed at it for a moment. "It looks really lifelike. I don't know how it could look more realisitic." he sounded impressed as he glanced back up at her. "All sports are kind of repetetive. Except horse riding, I guess. Then anything can happen." He chuckled, then tilted his head at her question. "Aerospace Science, I believe. Yours?"
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Lol whoops) - "yeah..." she looked up. "I have English next" she leaned back against the chair. "I hate English. Definitely not my easiest class. The best is art" she looked down at her backpack before standing, putting her tray away and coming back. "There's like five minutes left until next period " she gave a soft groan as she dropped back into the seat
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Zephyr winced when she said she had english next. "Join the club. The English language is impossible to learn. I mineswell just learn the entire German language and speak it just to confuse people." He snorted. "I'm 75 percent german, actually, and I know quite a bit of it- sooo much easier than english." He added with a small smile before glancing at the clock with a heavy sigh.
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"German?" She made a face "like Hitler?" She shook her head. "I don't know about that." She waited a second until the bell rang. "Oh... well I'll see you later since you like to watch me practice" she chuckles before picking up her bag. "Maybe we can continue this conversation after?" She gave a slight wave before turning and going to English. She wrote two paragraphs before quickly walking to the field. She dropped her bag and changed, coming out in her new uniform like the other girls. "Y'all like the uniforms?" They went through the entire practice fixing belts and socks until the hour was over. She waited at the dugout for Izzy.
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Zephyr frowned as well. "Why when I say the word German does EVERYBODY think Hitler? He wasn't even fully German! The real German people hated him! Pfft." He snorted. At her comment he made a face. "It was because my coach wouldn't let me practice!" He protested before nodded slightly, standing and heading off to his science class. After a rather interesting speech on aerodynamics he went to basketball with determination written all over his face. "Coach, you can't stop me. I'm practicing." He said firmly. The coach looked at him for a moment before nodding. Zeph jogged to go get his uniform on then went out to the court, where Peter greeted him. "Welcome back, Smokey Bear." He grinned before practice started. Zeph proceeded to have one of the best practices ever. Afterwards he changed back into normal clothing and walked out, racking his brain- oh yes! Had Sophia meant the next day or after school? Beat him.
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Izzy walked over to Sophia, sweating like crazy. "Why is it so hot" she asked as she grabbed her water bottle. "I don't know" Sophia said. "Soooo how's it going with Zephyr?" She asked as she elbowed Soph. "It's only for the dance but since you left me, I sat with him." Izzy grinned "ok then" the two giggled at each other. They walked into the locker room to grab their bags. "See you later" Izzy said as she ran off. Sophia stayed back for a second. "Do you need any help?" She asked her coach. "No. Thank you though. " Sophia started walking then stopped, looking up at the bleachers. Nope. Not there. She slowly walked toward the gym. Maybe she could catch him there.
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