Val didn't hear Flicka, but she didn't have to. Ghost Pegasus could feel the wind and if they found a steady flow, it was hard not to get off of it. All of a sudden, Val poked her head up and paid attention. The wind was telling her something. Something only a ghost Pegasus cold hear. "Voices? Danger? Ahead?" she muttered after a moment of listening.
"We got her now North!" One of his members called out happy thats when Flicka tried to fight back
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She looked back and sighed. She probably had taken more fight training than flicka had and couldn't leave her. "Hey y'all!" she sprung down and said with a heavy cowgirl voice. Once their attention was on her, she stated calmly, "I have more worth than Flicka here. I am the long-lost daughter, Val, of the ghost Pegasus kingdom. So, I propose a deal, what if you took me instead of flicka?" she asked without any hesitation. A shiny sword flashed for a moment at Flicka to show her that she would be fine.
"They had me pined down but now that im lose all hell is going to be payed." Flicka said as the forest was set on fire "Dont put it out this will cause all evil heards to move to another spot." Flicka said the other horses darted off but the one it was north
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The mare was happy that Flicka had thought of something. She flew back up into the wind and rode with it her thoughts and emotions spilling into the wind, a story for another ghost.
Flicka took off in the air when she seen her spot her went to it and landed the cave was right behind her she watched val go
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The mare looked for Flicka. She couldn't go back home without her! "Flicka!" she called over and over again.
Flicka watched her look for her "You good Val?" Flicka asked her
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"Ok there you are!" she answered. "Yes I'm good."
"You sounded scared." Flicka said to her looking out as the fire was still going Flicka then pawed at the ground and it now was raining to stop the fire that she set
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