Lion heard the gate open to, and used all his power to run so fast he was a blur. He saw the farmer coming out with food and ran as hard as he could, powerhousing himself toward the gate
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she bolted to a younger stallion who was even crazier than lion. "Buddy chill!" Rose called to the stallion who was acting up in the smaller pen
"buddy, lets go back shall we? Lion doesn't like friends." rose explained while walking a young colt back to his pen and not in lion's pen. the young stallion looked almost identical to lion and was even colt crazier.
The farmer looked up as he was bringing in the food and saw Lion coming, like a terrifying dragon with smoke coming out its ears, so he dropped the grain and ran, closing the gate. Lion rammed into the gate with the force of a bulldozer, making it creak on its hinges. One of them snapped. He rammed it over and over again, and when he was tired, he bellowed his anger at the farmer who had fallen a couple feet away and was too petrified to get back up.
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Rose herd the noise and quickly sped buddy up then ran to stop lion.
Lion glanced at the crazed colt and snorted. "Stupid young colts." He muttered, wishing he was just a little bit faster. He would have gotten out... for the first time in his life he felt defeat overwhelm him like a tsunami. His head hung and he walked slowly back down the valley towards the grove of trees. He just wanted to die. He was captured by humans, there was the most annoying mare in the world you wouldn't leave him alone... and now there was a idiot colt who looked a lot like him. Big difference: he had green eyes and the colt had brown eyes. Lion stopped in the pines, his head hanging sadly.
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"Lion!" the mare yelled at the stallion. she stood straight in her way, either he hit her or trees.
{I thought u got uot pertend that messgae was never there}
Lion laid down in a heap, not knowing what the meaning for life was anymore. He just wanted out... and he was going to get out no matter what
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