
Chantal leaned against the nearby wall as he waited for Lena to come out. He looked around at the ret of the barn. It's not bad in here, he thought, better than other places I've lived in.
She walked out in jeans, "Not a word" she walked down the aisle. "Do you ride?" Lena opened her horses stall, a lipizzan from Spain, she was pure white as silk. She ran her hand down her neck, her long mane getting in the way Edited at February 12, 2022 09:33 PM by Harmony Dresaage

He nodded seeing that the princess had changed and followed after her. "Yeah I do," he answered, "my horse is actually a few stalls down. Why do you ask? Do you want to go for a quick ride before it get dark out?"
"Would you like to?" She led out Heaven and tied her to the side of the stall.

"Sure, you don't have anything else on your schedule today I believe." He started to walk down the stalls, "I'll go get my horse." He stopped near the end of the row and opened up a stall. He walked in with a bridle and then walked out with a grullo stallion with white stockings on all of its legs.
"Alright" she led out her mare, slipping the bit into her mouth. Heaven snorted and shook her head, Lena mounted bareback as she didn't really like saddles. She patted Heavens neck and gave her an apple slice from her pocket.

Chantal made sure that the bridle was comfortable and secure in Myst's mouth. He then hopped onto his back and walked him over to the princess. He looked at her and kept Myst still, who was fidgeting some seeing that they were going for a ride, "You ready?"
Heaven snorted and dragged her hoof hard against the aisle floor, Lena laid her hand on her neck and shook a few calming words to the panicky mare. She turned to Chantal, ̈Yep, you ready to go? ̈̈ she asked.

He nodded at the princess's question, "You lead the way, since I don't know where to go really."
"Alright" she nudged Heaven forward into a trot and took a left toward the ocean. She picked up a canter and let Heaven have her head, she smiled as the hit the sand.