"No, if you want to, it's fine. I dont wanna ruin your birthday by denying you this." She stated.
Dylan Montgomery - Dylan shook his head. "No, absolutely not. For starters, you wouldn't ruin my birthday by denying me. And secondly, doing it is a two-person decision. Its not about pleasuring me, its about making us both feel connected and loved. So no. We're not doing it, not until you actually want to. You don't always have to think about making me happy,"
"But I have to. It's how I'm supposed to keep you happy.. right? That's what he always told me." She frowned.
Dylan Montgomery - Dylans brows pinched together. He shook his head. "No, you don't have to do anything. Its not your job to keep me entertained or happy. That man was awful to you, don't believe anything he has ever said to you,"
"You wanted to do it, though. Now I feel bad." She stated.
Dylan Montgomery - Dylan cupped her face gently. "No, don't feel bad. If you don't feel like it, then we won't do it, and thats okay for you to feel like that."
Later that night, as Lilith was helping his mom was dishes, she decided to ask something. "Mrs. Montgomery? Is it.. okay for me to not feel okay to do... things?" She asked.
Dylans mom turned to her. "Not feel okay to do what, darling?" She asked.
"Well... y'know... what couples do. Alone time. Intimacy." She responded.
Dylans mom nodded. "Ah, okay," she sighed. This was gonna be awkward, as they were talking about Dylan and her being intimate. "Yes, it's okay to not feel comfortable with doing things intimately," she explained. "And if my Dylan is forcing you to do anything you don't want to, you come and tell me and I'll give him a good whooping,"