
Trixie's injection process had been much quicker. Much more painless. She didn't feel exactly traumatized when she opened her eyes to see white light, instead blinking with a sense of deja vu. Waking to a white light- it reminded her of beginnings. It also felt like She had been in this exact position before. Along with it came a sense of utter emptiness. Almost, anyway. She remembered, vaguely, some sort of nightmare that took place in a dark room, with needles and such. Strange. She didn't think she feared needles. It took her a minute or so to let her weary eyes adjust to the light, slowly dragging her gaze around her... hospital room? Another wave of deja vu. This situation, it felt so... familiar. She heard footsteps, coming closer. In no mood to be spoken with, she quietly laid her head back down and closed her eyes as a nurse entered.

It had been a fairly long time before anyone actually came into Matts room to check on him, and by then he had fallen back asleep. They seemed to assume he was still in the coma, and only turned round at the sound of Matts pained groan as he shifted his head from the pillow to against the wall, everything spinning. He was in absolutely no mood to talk, listen or interact with anyone but it looked like he had to. He answered all the dumb protocol questions, 'how are you feeling, where can you feel pain, do you know where you are,' all the while his head pounding. The last question confused him the most, and it took him a good amount of time to even open his mouth to answer. As reality actually came back to him, it was clear he had no idea where he had ended up.

Trixie managed to evade the nurses for a while, but it was only a matter of hours before they saw her. There was a little bit of excited chatter, someone walked off to call her family. She was put through the same protocol questions, and she answered most of them well enough. It took her a solid minute to jog her memory that she was in Virginia. Langley, specifically, near a military base. After a while longer, they left her alone while they waited on family members to show.

No one seemed to actually answer Matts questions about how he had ended up in nearly completely opposites sides of the world. Although he was in a completely bad, nearly completely forgetful state he was very aware he wasn't..american. Or meant to be in the US. After hours passed Matt had very much had enough of lying there being asked numerous pointless things, and instead felt the need to rip out any machine attatched to him, and pretty much just leave. His old, dumb anger issues came back, and he was slightly beginning to feel how he did before the accident. Pretty much..depressed. Angry, rude, however he tended to come across was bad.

Trixie was quiet and nervous when her family showed up. She watched them file into the room silently. A woman with Auburn hair, who looked like herself. A man with slowly graying brown hair. A sixteen year old boy with brown hair and eyes just like hers. They were all silent for a moment. Looking at each other. Determining if these were the same people they had known. Eventually, the woman broke down into tears, running forward and sobbing into Trixie's shoulder. Trixie blinked in surprise and slowly wrapped her arms around the woman, stroking her hair. The man was breaking down quietly, and he had come closer, grabbing one of her hands. The boy was tearing up, behind both of his parents and watching the entire situation anxiously.

Matt has managed to get pretty far down the hospital without really being acknowledged for having escaped his hospital room, and he was now just wandering, peering in the rooms. It felt strange to him to see such a well working hospital full of people speaking english. Well working was a stretch, he hadn't even been put in a gown. Just a shirt and trousers, which was odd. But warm. He carried on wandering down, feeling the rising pain in the back of his head again, and the burning sensation come back on the left side of his stomach, and he inhaled sharply, wincing slightly as he looked into the next room he was about to pass. He caught a glimpse of a rather sad looking family circled round a hospital bed, with a woman lying there. For a second he felt like he had seen her before, like he recognised her. But before he was even able to say a word he was grabbed by a nurse behind him, and dragged back, unable to completely stay standing up due to the headache.

Slowly, slowly the pieces began to click into place. Her mother. Her father. Her brother. Names would come later. She started softly crying at the reunion herself. They seemed so... happy. Her eyes flicked to the door as she saw movement. A flash of a familiar face, but the man was dragged off before she could get a good look. After, she didn't have much time to be set on it. A blonde man with honey colored eyes appeared at the doorway of the room, looking extremely hesitant. Tentative. He was around her age, tall, handsome. His role didn't click in her mind, but he was there for her.

Matt hadn't actually been able to utter a single word to anyone after he had been pretty much tied back up to the machines in his room, the pain proved too much. Speaking would probably result in throwing up. It was a good ten or so minutes of being pressed for questions before he was able to talk, and only then wa sit small, two or three word answers. His name, where he was from, how to contact his family. He had hardly any answers, but was relieved at the fact that at least someone would be able to be contacted. Possibly.

It was a long, exhausting reunion. Names were restated and traded, information given, tears, grins. She caught on that the tentative, sweet man who was always hesitant when speaking, was her boyfriend. Will. Her family treated him kindly, almost with pity. Eventually, they had to go to fix up her room for when she came back. So they all left, except for Will. So she spoke with him.

is there anywhere we should skip to? it's hard to find things to write without them interacting in the slightest loll