

ab them ending up in the same place, where exactly should they be? like where Trixie grew up or Matt?

Mmmm probably Trixie- so somewhere in Virginia? If that's good with you))

that's fine, would you want me to start or you? though i may have to log off soon

I'd love for you to star- I've no clue how to, lol Whenever you can get it done is fine, it doesn't have to be now :)

haha okay, it may her to be tomorrow if that's okay? and also would it be easier for you if i started when they're getting pulled away or after it's happened? so when they wake up? i have no preferences, whatever's easier for you :)

That's totally fine! Probably after they wake up, just easier lol

Alright, just to clarify they do end up in the same place completely? As in right next to each other or just sort of in the same hospital or something like that?

I was thinking same hospital, they bump into each other a few days later?

i'll do that then) - The three days for Trixie and Matt had passed insanely slowly, and soon enough they had indeed been pulled out of the world. It was a borderline traumatising couple of hours being sweet talked, manipulated and then dragged into the musty chambers to be injected, and something they were both told would be one of the only things they remembered from the world. Which, seemed to be true for Matt. His process had been..strange. Difficult. It had taken a lot longer for him to pass out, and he'd been in an immense amount of pain despite the heavy drugs given. As his eyes fluttered open, he immediately winced in pain at the bright yellow lights above his head, and the aching all over his body. His mind was completely blank, completely empty, and after a couple more minutes the only pain he could feel was a headache and stomach pain, the spots from the accident that had sent him into the coma. He looked around at the empty room, watching as the machines beeped, and would outside the room rushed past. Matt knew he was in a hospital, but where he was he had no idea. He could tell it most definitely wasn't Italy, and in fact wasn't the UK, he had lived there before. He lay his head back down on the pillow and gave a small sigh, his body feeling incredibly limp, his eyes drooping after another minute or so.