Sage nodded when she said she'd gather things and kept working towards the doors of the hospital. It was cooler outside... Not a while lot, but there was at least a breeze and such that was helpful. He let out a sigh of relief and sink down into one of the chairs out there, catching his breath as he waited for flo.
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Flo hopped to him, setting the blankets down beside him then collapsing in a chair. "Gosh that hurt" She winced as she lightly touched the tender skin of her ankle. "Are you alright?" She asked
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Sage opened his eyes to glance over at her when she came out, letting out a heavy breath and closing them again, letting his head flop back down. "I think I could sleep for a month," he sort of grumbled, though did add, "You alright," in a worried tone as he processed what she was saying.
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Flo grit her teeth as she rested her foot on the ground. "Yeah I accidentally limped on my ankle. Hurt really bad, but I'm alright" She looked over at Sage, reaching over and squeezing his shoulder.
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Sage hummed softly and nodded. "It'll do that. Won't rebreak unless you hit it hard on something again," he noted. He offered her a smileand moved to wrap his arm around her once she sat down.
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Flo gently let her toes wiggle, sighing when his arm fell around her. She let her head fall to the side, resting against him
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Sage just tightened his hold on her slightly when she leaned in, letting his own pounding head rest on hers lightly.
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Flo was slowly starting to cool down, her breathing slowing and her tense muscles relaxing. "It feels nice out here, despite the circumstances." She eyed the new pillar of rising smoke in the distance.
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Sage opened his eyes to look over at her and nod with a light hum. "There's a nice breeze going on out here," he agreed.
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Flo nodded slightly then turned her eyes to a small cloud. Her eyes lit up when a few droplets of rain fell, starting a small shower. "Rain!" She grinned and leaned forward to stick her hand out in the rain. She rubbed the cool water over her face and neck. "Want some?" She asked before sticking her hand in the rain again and rubbing the water over his neck and forehead
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