
"I do trust you, Dylan." She stated. That night, around 1:00 AM, she saw Dylan sneaking into her room. "Hmm... Dylan...?" She groaned, half-asleep, half-awake.

Dylan Montgomery - Dylan had poked his head in to check on her, but as soon as she saw him, he darted out, back to his room. ( Hey, I don't mean to be rude, but could you pls let me decide what my character does and does not do? Thanks, )

(Yeah, sorry! My bad.) She just sat up, now wide awake. She turned her phone on, and stared at her lockscreen, and made a mental note her meds were low.

Dylan Montgomery - Dylan flopped back down onto his bed feeling lonely. He was angry with her for yelling at him for something he didn't do, and not trusting him. But he still cared about her, so he had to make sure she was okay. ( Its okay, :) )

The next morning, she went for a walk, and left a note for Dylan. 'I know you probably won't care right now, but I walked to the barn. Happy birthday. Love, Lilith.'

Dylan Montgomery - Dylan woke up around 10, but just stayed in bed until noon, sulking. This birthday was awful. Dylan probably would've stayed in bed for much longer, but then his phone pinged, telling him his blood sugar was low. So he got up and went to the kitchen, to get something to eat. He spotted her message and read it. He then crumpled it up and threw it away. No one else was home but him. Normally, he'd go out and go for a nice long cross-country course on Robyn, but now, Robyn was dead and Dylan felt like shit. So Dylan grabbed his food and then went right back to bed to sulk in his miserable pool of sadness in his bed. Happy birthday, Dylan.

About an hour later, she came back, with her meds, and his. "Dylan, I'm back." She stated, knocking on his door. "Got your meds too." She set them down on his bedside stand, and felt like a jerk. "Happy birthday. Your stuff is gonna be here shortly, so." She added. "Just... call if you need somethin'. Love you." With that said, she walked out, and sat in her own room, also miserable.

Dylan Montgomery - Dylan stayed silent. He didn't move or speak when she came in. He just stayed buried under his blankets and pillows, staring at his blank wall and sulking.

She walked back in, and sighed. "Dylan, can we... talk? Look, I know you're beyond mad with me, and you have a right to be, I was wrong to snap at you. So, here. If it helps, you can look through my phone." She stated, tossing the phone down. "I just want... us back, I want you back."

Dylan Montgomery - Dylan pushed the phone away. "I don't care whats on there. I actually trust you," he muttered, rolling over to face the wall again. "I don't feel comfortable in this relationship anymore... you made me feel bad for holding your hand yesterday..."