Regan huffed out a breath to the boy before pouting. "Doesn't mean you don't need to run a comb through your hair!" She told him with a laugh. "You haven't had it cut so it'll probably be longer than you're used to," she then added. She gave a happy sounding squeak when he gave her the comb, and put a hand on his shoulder. "Bend down a little so it's easier for me," she mused lightly. Once he'd done that, she started to run the comb through his hair, looking more than happy just to play with it for a while. Soon enough, though, she was done and peered over to him with a grin. "Sorted!" She chirped.
Tyler wrinkled his nose slightly. He was due for a haircut... maybe he should do that soon. When Regan said she was done he looked at her. "Thanks... if you did anything weird with it I will do something, though." Tyler joked, running a hand through his hair. He was pleased to see she hadn't braided it or something's... he might actually have not talked to her for a couple days.
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In truth, Regan just looked happy to be able to mess around with someone's hair for a while, even if it was Tyler's. She used to love playing with her eldest brothers hair, so it kind of reminded her of that. She'd put a little braid in his hair, though when he ran his hands through it it came out pretty much right away. She really had just been playing with it... little plaits and twists here and there, but as soon as they moved they came out. "Oh? What would you have done?" She asked the boy with an amused chuckle.
Tyler opened his mouth and closed it again. "I have no idea, but I would have done something." He laughed, finding a tiny little braid still hanging on in his hair. He tipped his head and looked at Regan with slightly narrowed eyes, quickly pulling it out. "Hair is not meant to be braided... or plaited... or anything else ed. At least not male's hair." Tyler rolled his eyes, smoothing out and making sure his whole head was free of braids. Finally content, he crossed his arms and pretended to look angry.
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Regan cocked her head at him when her gave her an angry look, though it was clear it was just a tease. "Oh, but it was so cute!" She chirped to him with a happy grin... she seemed to have lost years when she smiled like that... it was a kind of childlike innocence she had in that smile of hers. She had what you'd call a baby face anyway, but she really did just oook happy. She then gave a playful pout. "Aw, well what you gonna do about it? Beat me up?" She teased, knowing he'd never do that, but she could tease about it. She moved to playfully punch his arm, though really she'd barely touched him. "You really did look cute with random little plaits," she teased softly,
"It was not cute! That - no- I'm not-" Tyler protested. "I said I didn't know what I was going to do about it... and no, I would never beat you up" Tyler rolled his eyes. "I would NEVER beat you up. EVER. Even if you annoyed me to death." Tyler joked. "And IM NOT CUTE" he retorted... though it was kind of hard with twinkles in his eyes and a forced frown on his face.
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Regan then pouted at him. "It was. It was very cute," she teased before rolling her eyes. "You said it'd have to be something," she mused lightly. She'd been joking when she said he'd beat her up, so all she could to was chuckle to him. "Tyler, I know that," she mused softly. She was trying to get a bit of banter going between them... it was usually rather fun to her. She then grinned at him again. "Oh, but you are! You're adorable," she babbled happily to the boy.
Tyler took a deep breath, glaring at her teasingly. "I know you know that." He snorted, almost confusing himself. "And I am not adorable." Tyler repeated with an eyeroll. "Say it all you want, it doesn't make it true." He huffed, keeping a smile off of his face. Tyler was good at looking angry when he wanted to... but he let the twinkle in his eye stay so Regan knew he was joking
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Regan grinned to him before shaking her head. "And you saying you're not adorable doesn't make it untrue," she babbled to him. "I happen to think you're very adorable," she told the boy before flashing a grin. She pouted at his angry look, but could tell her was just messing with her. "Tyler it's a compliment!"
Tyler gave an exaggerated sigh. "Fine, fine, okay fine. You win. It could work both ways... though I'm not adorable or cute at all... and you thinking so just gives other people something to tease us about. Also, what's a compliment?" Tyler asked with a chuckle, putting his hands in the air as he said he gave up. Regan was way too stubborn... he couldn't last for long. As a matter of fact, this was probably the longest he lasted in a fake argument.
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