light whines and watches them coming she was kinda scared now lisa smiles and got them tickets for that movie and said " okay lets go "
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Diablo - sees them coming up so i hear that one of you are watching light a bit too much .... Louis - ok
light backs up and stays near her foal and watches them lisa said you okay as she walks in
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Diablo - stares them down watcing them pinning his ears back Louis - walks with her in
light looks at diablo hopeing one would say something lisa said what anything drink popcorn
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Diablo - watched them well if one dont say any thing both of you will have to leave .... louis - yes but i pay for that what you want ? he walks up
One spoke saying leader why would we try to anyhow you had your fun with her why can we not Lisa said I'll take a coke that all
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Diablo snorts not liking what he said you will never tuch my lead mare i want you gone now .... ever come back you will regreat that louis , ok he smiles then gets spright and popcorn for him self then a coke for her and then pays
Light backs up and the colt said we will see about that as he turns and walks away not looking back Lisa smiles and said thanks for that
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Diablo watched the colt leaving and then tells the one that left to go back to the rest of the colts with a warning not to mess with the mares at all , your welcome he nuzzles her if it happens again just tell me i dont want you to feel uneasy at all here louis - your welcome he hands her her coke and then grabs his spright and large popcorn shell we head in