Regan rolled her eyes. "It wouldn't have been amazing if you broke your nose," she joked, moving to flick him in the face in a playful manner. She laughed at his next comment. "I call you Monkey Man because you already are a monkey," she mused lightly. "You're just acting more like one now," she told him in amusement. She reached out to put both of her hands in his hair, ruffling it up even more, a delighted-sounding laugh escaping her when more dust came up. She then pulled away before giving a grin.
"But I didn't break my nose, did I?" Tyler challenged with a half smirk half chuckle... msltly because he was almost incapable of smirking. He tipped his head and smiled slightly... then snorting as more dust flew out of his hair. "It's not funny..." Tyler grouched.. but he couldn't resist sounding amused. "Stupid dust... ruining my perfectly black hair." Tyler laughed
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"You nearly did," she snorted jokingly. She then rolled her eyes at him when he said it wasn't funny... but it definitely was. She was laughing. "But yes, it is!" She mused lightly before chuckling. "You do have very nice hair, though. Such a shame it's gone all brown," she huffed jokingly. His hair was a mess now... scraggily and the likes, but it was still amusing to her.
"It's ALL brown!?" Tyler yelped. "Do they have this thing called hairbrushes in this camp?" He snorted, brushing more dust out of his hair. Tyler finally gave up and stalked out of the camp, going to the stream. The wolf was gone... Tyler didn't know how but it was gone. He finally just kneeled and splashed water in his hair, frowning slightly.
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Regan hummed before padding back towards the shed, going through her things and grabbing a comb for the boy. She then wandered back towards the little pool, looking around wearily... the wolf had disappeared... it was dead, she'd checked, so it was a bit odd for it to have gone so quickly. She called the boy over and shook the comb in his face. "Personally, I think that brown hair suits you," she teased softly.
"No. No, no no no... no." Tyler snorted, looking appauled. "Brown hair does NOT suit me." He retorted, but smiled gratefully for the comb. "Black hair is much better for my liking... and thank you for the comb." He said, trying to pull it through his now tangled hair. "Oh come on... all I did was face planted... why does it have to Ben so tangled?" He chuckle
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Regan snickered at him, gently shaking her head. "I was trying to be positive!" She told him with a laugh. Well, it wasn't really doing much. She watched him for a moment before snickering to him. "Well, when's the last time you actually ran a comb through your hair?" She asked with a laugh. She then shook her head at him. "Tyler, hunny, come here," she joked to the boy. "Let me at least help you get a brush through that mop of yours."
Tyler rolled his eyes. "Never." He finally said with a snort. "I almost never brush my hair... who does that?" Tyler attempted a joke, sighing. Tyler listened to hr last comment then shot a glare at her. "If you ever call me 'hunny' again, joke or not, I will bash yours brains out." Tyler snorted, working the comb through the tangles. "And my amazing hair is not a mop, it's ,y second best feature," he protested Edited at May 2, 2023 04:43 PM by Wild Warmbloods
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Regan rolled her eyes at him before chuckling gently. "You're such a boy sometimes," she huffed in a teasing tone. "You have nice hair, so look after it!" She knew he was joking, but so was she... and it was amusing, to say the least. "Please let me sort it out!" She pleaded to the boy, a grin across her face.
"I am a boy!" Tyler exclaimed with a laugh. "And you admitted I have nice hair... that's a start." Tyler chuckled, joking. He looked at Regan as she asked if she could sort his 'mop' of a hair out. "... fine." Tyler finally caved, handing her the comb.
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