
Celeste Harlow - Celeste woke a little bit after him, and smiled down at him. "Good morning, sleepyhead." she teased lightly, peering down at him. "You fell asleep during the story."

Sage hummed softly and let out an airy, alibet still tired chuckle. "You pretty well put me to sleep," he mused lightly, shifting to stretch slightly and then settle back down in the warm spot of the bed they'd made.
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Celeste Harlow - Celeste giggled softly, and started running her fingers through his hair again. "You're a nice lap warmer, thats for sure." she teased.

Sage chuckled softly in response to her comment, leaning into her touch subconsciously. "I can't believe you just fell asleep sitting up," he noted lightly, really just teasing her a little bit. He did have a high body temperature so he knew he was warm and probably very comfortable, but he could still tease her.
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Celeste Harlow - Celeste giggled. "I can sleep in any position, love." Celeste giggled, continuing to brush through his hair lovingly.

Sage chuckled softly and nodded with a hum. "I know," he mused. "Still, it can't be that comfortable," he noted with a slight wrinkled to his nose.
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Celeste Harlow - Celeste giggled. "Actually, I quite like sleeping with you on my lap." she half-joked, half serious.

Sage couldn't help but grin up at her and shrug. "Well I was comfortable," he mused lightly. "We have plenty of time to figure out different ways to sleep," he added. "For now though, we should probably get up and get ready," he added with a quick glance at the clock.
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Celeste Harlow - Celeste rolled her eyes and swatted at him playfully. "Well of course you were comfortable." she teased. "But you are right, we should get up. We have a wedding to prepare for." she said with a smile.

Sage simply gave her a wide grin. "You're comfy," he noted lightly before shifting to roll off of her with a happy hum. "That we do," he chirped, pecking her lightly on the lips and then rolling out of bed. He wasn't one to get dressed or get ready to go out much ....but he'd put the effort in for their wedding, mostly because he knew she wanted it. She'd appreciate it, and he wanted to make her happy. But also....he sort of wanted to impress her. He wanted her to drool when she saw him. Maybe it was a little greedy, but part of him would always seek her approval.
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