
That makes sense, yeah)) Trixie was reminded vaguely of her first entrance into the dreamworld that she now thought of as home. Confusion, a little irritated, somewhat frustrated. But this time, no tall, handsome italian man with lovely, pale green eyes approached to save her. She started to wander slowly about, blinking when she found herself face to- well, face to chest with a very tall man who most resembled a guard. She tried to say something, but she found her self promptly picked up instead. She squirmed, yelled, yelped, kicked- it was useless. She dimly registered being thrown into a darker room, specifically dumped on the floor of it. And then she got tied up, all while she was essentially attempting to bite the man, and then almost slammed against the wall. She gave an angry squirm and a frustrated sigh, flopping her head forward to rest on her knees. When she lifted it to observe her surroundings, her eyes widened signifigantly as she took him in. It was Matt. Same green eyes. Same perfect face. Same jet black hair. She was quiet, wary of speaking in front of the guards in case She got manhandled again, but she couldn't take her eyes off him.

Matt watched Trixie get very roughly thrown in, unable to say a word as she was out in the same position as him, just out of arms reach. For someone who had felt absolutely no feeling towards anything since he arrived but fear, the way he felt seeing her again sent a shock through him, almost like he wasn't meant to be feeling anything..good. He gave her a very weak smile, though wa sunable to say anything as the officials began talking. Something about them not being supposed to be here, about how they're supposed to be sent back to the real world. And then, about how they'd be pretty much restricted for the rest of the time they were here, until they could get sent back. Matt listened slightly, though his focus was purely on Trixie.

Trixie flashed him a little, sad smile, giving a sidelong glance to the guards before slowly shuffling closer to Matt. The guards were too engaged in their conversation to really notice- or maybe they didn't care. Her main focus was making her way across the floor and not on the conversation, but she caught little snippets and such. Enough to get the gist. Eventually, after a while, she settled gently beside Matt, giving him a hesitant look. It just seemed too... strange to be real. But she gently settled her head on his shoulder anyway. It was about all she could do, seeing as she was tied.

"Are you okay??" Matt asked as Trixie managed to shuffle closer, the concern in his voice overlapping anything else. Apart from the being scared, she at least physically looked fine. He placed his hand on her leg, though he had to stretch due to the other one being tied to the post beside him, but snapped it back as one of the officials snapped at him. - sorry it's so short, v busy today)

Trixie gave him a quick nod, watching his eyes with worry. "Are you?" She asked softly, attempting to move closer as he placed his hand on her leg. She flinched at the sudden snap of the official, giving a small sigh and giving Matt a slightly longing look.

Matt nodded and shot a weak smile in Trixie's direction, biting his inner lip as the officials stared the both down. It was another couple minutes before they apporached the two, untying them and giving Matt and Trixie some sort of freedom, though they were instructed to stay in the room. Another minute or so passed and they were gone, leaving them pretty much stuck in there.

Trixie gave another small sigh, turning to look at the officials since she realized they were being... intently watched. She tensed as they got nearer, recoiling slightly until she felt her bonds being loosened, and then removed entirely. She watched the officials with narrow eyes until they left before she turned to Matt, looking a little panicked. She shifted closer to him and pressed a light kiss to his forehead, staying close and holding his gaze with distinct worry as she laid a hand on his cheek. "Are you sure you're okay?" She asked quietly, looking him over in the dim room as if he might be bleeding or something.

"I'm fine Trixie I promise." Matt said quietly, watching through the blurred glass in the door as the people walked away. His mind seemed to still be back in the other world, and it took him a while to catch up with his own sentences. He leant his head back against the brick wall behind them, moving his hair out his eyes as he re opened them. "In case you haven't noticed we aren't meant to be here, we could be stuck in this room for days until we're sent back out again" he mumbled, bringing his hands up to his face to wipe away the dirt on his cheek. He scanned the room intensely, his eyes darting across the dark red brick, the unkempt floors and the slightly cracked ceiling, blinking a lot in an attempt to keep his mind in the current situation.

Trixie gave a small sigh and sat back down beside him, rubbing at her eyes as though it would help somehow. "I kind of got the whole 'not meant to be here part' but the 'stuck here for days' thing didn't really pop into mind." She murmured, lifting her head to glance at the door with a frown. Everything there was just as decrepit looking as the exterior of the building, causing her to shuffle in discomfort. Being stuck in this dark little room for days didn't seem ideal in the slightest. "So, do you know anything about what's going on or are you as lost as me?" She asked quietly, choosing to focus on him instead of her surroundings.

"Not particularly. I know a lot about where we are, and I know we aren't meant to be here, but what's actually meant to happen i've got no clue" Matt sighed, shaking his head as he spoke. The world itself seemed like hell already, being stuck on this side of it was even worse. He stood himself up rather abruptly, dusting his legs off before heading over to the small hole in the door, doing his best to scan the area outside. It looked just as unkempt as everything else, dirty, cracked and small plants growing everywhere, except important, well dressed looking officials contrasted with that, rushing in every direction. He turned back round to face Trixie after he had finished scanning the place, his gaze landing on hers. "I doubt we'll be able to get ourselves out of here. I think we're in here until we're sent back to real life." he mumbled, leaning against the door.