
Sage sort of shrugged in response to get comment, cocking his head slightly after a moment. "You don't give me murder vibes," he admitted after a moment. "After a while, you pick up on a look that gives people away... You don't have it," he added, eyebrows riding upwards slowly, glancing at the other male, who was rather loud in his sleep. "Neither have I," he admitted with a chuckle.
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Alleyah stared at the ground for a second before her head shot up. She knew it would be a lost cause to try to explain to yet another cop that she wasn't a murderer. That she hadn't done it. She decided to check her luck though. "It's cause I'm not" she said softly "But I've sat in here long enough to feel like I am" she crossed her arms over her chest, feeling some what vulnerable. The only person who believed her was Dale but he believed just about anything that came out of her mouth. She looked down at the ground and drew a donut in the dirt.
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Sage felt his eyebrows shoot upwards, disappearing into his mop of black hair. He had expected that. But...she did give him that vibe, and the second part of the comment did give him to think about. He didn't quite believe her, not really ..he knew better than that. The best criminals were the ones who could act like they hadn't done anything, and could convince people of that. But part of him did think it made sense. He was curious now. Either way, he chose to sort of just him in acknowledgement of her comment before sighing and holding out a small stick of chalk to her, not really worried about putting his hand so far into her cell. "Well here's one thing thats meant to die," he mused after a moment, offering it to her, not quite smiling but not unfriendly either. She confused him.. chatting and honestly one minute, then closing up and becoming cold. Making him feel just as bad as when he was with the cops. It was a sort of peace offering, he supposed. He wasn't here to hurt her. Hurt any of them. In all actuality, he was here to completely ruin the place. But he wasn't just gonna let everyone go...he'd planned his moves carefully. Well, plan was the wrong word....but he was figuring out his opponents. Who to kill alongside the cops. And who to let live. Who to join him. That sort of thing.
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Ally stared at the donut she had created before running her hand over it and ruining it. She felt like her donut was her life and everything else was there to tear her apart. She sighed then squinted in the dim light when the cop pulled something white from who knows where. "What's-" her eyes widened suddenly when she noticed it, reaching up and gently taking it from his hand. "Oh my gosh is this-" she bit her lip, her face brightening. She stood up, drawing a line across the wall. She turned slowly, her eyes glued to the chalk in her hand. "Thank you" she said quiely, looking up at the cop. She quickly turned and started drawing things: flowers, snails, houses. Slowly the drawings became more personal: as much of her house as she could remember, her horses Figaro and Yoshi, her dog Buzz. She pulled the chalk away from a sketch of her best friend who she was framed for murdering. Tears pricked at her eyes. She didn't know if the cop was still there, and, quite frankly, she didn't care. A tear fell from her eyes, followed by another and another. She hadn't cried in so long and now it felt like she would never stop. She covered her mouth to muffle the sounds she was making. She backed away from the wall, the pictures looking fuzzy from the tears. Alleyah slowly leaned back against the opposite wall, her body shrinking into a crying mess as she curled into a ball on the floor.
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Sage couldn't help the small smile that pulled the corners of his lips upwards slightly. He tried to quench it....it didn't do very much though. Not very much at all. She'd taken the chall though, and he started to draw. He sort of stood there awkwardly for another moment or so, eventually letting out a quiet sigh and moving back to his own dark corner. It seemed even darker and quieter now...lonelier, almost. He enjoyed her company, which was odd. Most people he met he couldn't stand. He was curious about her case though, so after a moment or so of sitting there, mond whirling, he opened his computer to start looking around. Finding out whT he could about her case and whT had happened.
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Alleyah wiped her tears after a few terrible moments. Somehwere during that time Dale had woken up and was currently rubbing his eyes as he looked into her cell. "Ally?" He asked quietly. She shook her head and scooted into she shadows, ignoring him. Dale's voice seemed to grow though he didn't speak any louder. "Ally are you alright?" He whispered, his frame now at the cell door. "Can you hear me?" Ally sighed and she fought to roll her eyes even though he wouldn't be able to see it. "Leave me alone Dale... Please" she whispered back. He gave a slight nod and backed away. She felt like her heart wasn't beating for him the same way it usually did... like someone, perhaps a vey intriguing cop, was her breath of fresh air. It made her head spin and her heart beat even faster. She shoved the emotions away though. She could not afford to open up to someone who held the power to ruin her.
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Sage glanced over at the pair when he heard the other man speak up. It was clear he liked the girl, which made him frown slightly. He wished he had someone special to him. As of right now, the only thing he could trust was his dagger, and maybe his gun. But even guns could be finicky. You couldnt always necessarily guarantee they'd shoot. Either way, he was slightly jealous of the two of them. No, that wasn't the right word, was it? He didn't want her attention. He didn't need her to like him. He let out an aggravated huff of air/growl sort of noise to himself, not loud enough for them to hear, and resting his head on his hand, taking his fingers through his hair. He wasn't getting far with figuring things out about the girl, he was exhausted by then, and hungry....and whoever was replacing him was late. That wasn't uncommon, but still. It bugged him. Not that he'd let anyone else know they were running him ragged.
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Alleyah stood and made her way to her drawings, spearing the chalk drawing of her best friend. She left everything else though. She stared at the drawing for a moment, her eyes tracing every line. She carefully placed the chalk on the floor beside her bed and looked up at the small window just under the ceiling. The sun was coming up, lightening everything in it's path. "Yay" she groaned as she ran a tired hand down her face. She hadn't slept at all and now she was starting to feel the effects of her reacurring sleepless nights.
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Eventually, sage turned his phone off, and flipped back into his chair wearily, glancing at his watch. It was around 7 am by then, and the other guy was over an hour late. He scowled with annoyance, but kept a carefully neutral face when the guy finally showed up, wandering lazily down. They exchanged a few words ...updating the other guard on if anything had happened or was likely to happen in the near future. Everything was fine though, so after a brief exchange, he moved to slide out of the building, pausing to take a deep breath of fresh air and letting his eyes adjust to the sudden bright light once he was outside and the door had closed behind him. After that, he moved to the trailer he'd set up on the side of the campus area, backed up to the woods by the main building. That was where he stayed....it was small, and not really clean, but he didn't have to pay much for it. Which was good, since he didn't get paid much for working. But it had running water, electricity, and a bed. The last thing was the best, especially after being up all night for work. He didn't even bother to change before collapsing I to the mattress and passing out pretty much right away.
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Alleyah yawned and sat down on her bed with a grunt. Dale woke up at the sound of her bed squeaking and came to the door, watching her without a word. "Creep" she grumbled and his cheeks flushed. "mhm" she mumbled
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