[Cali sat up after a bit. He lightly lifted the deer's head from his lap staring at it. "I know your not a deer, deer are not so docile and friendly, what are you?" He felt slightly crazy talking to a deer but he knew something was off about the creature.]
Helios looks at him innocently.
[Cali stared at the deer for a moment before deciding on a response. "Don't play dumb. A real deer would have kept running." His tone got more serious and slightly annoyed. "What are you." He repeated as he crossed his arms looking the deer up and down.]
Helios huffs and bleats at him.
[Cali gets up and begins walking off leaving the deer there. He was not in the mood for tricks.]
Helios disappears back into the forest only leaving a chunk of fur behind.
[Cali walked inside. His older sister sat with her legs crossed in a round weven chair hung from the ceiling. She sat putting together a small flower crown as his older brother laid asleep on the floor, which was oddly normal. Cali went to his room and laid down on the bed trying to shake the deer from his head.]
Helios goes back and finds the house of the elf and sticks his head through.
[Cali sat up as he noticed the deer poking its head through the window of his room. "if you won't be honest with me then I don't want you around." His voice was stern. He got up and went to the window pushing the deer's head back so it is just outside. "I don't want you following me if I can't know what you are."]
Helios jumps through the window and in a flash of light a person stands where the deer was.