
Hehe Being abandoned/left alone and no one cares Basically just scared to lose everyone because of something she did :) ))

ooo okok) - Matt woke up in a rather dark room, in complete silence. He couldnt hear a thing to start off with, his skin was burning slightly and his head was aching. He sat up, adjusting his eyes to the darkness, gripping onto the bed to avoid getting too dizzy. He had no idea where he was, how he ended up there or what was going on, but as he became more and more aware of his surroundings, the more uncomfortable he became. It was like something was wrong, like something was stuck in the air around him, though he couldn't figure out what. After a couple minutes of thoughts, he headed over to the door, looking through the peephole silently. He could see nothing but buildings, and a massive, vast empty space in front of him. His heart started beating faster every second, and he felt sick. It was like he was living out his worst fear: being the only person left. He stepped back from the door and leant against the wall, contemplating what to do. Go out there? Stay in the room? He inhaled sharply and looked back through the peephole, this time with a large surprise. Everything was..there. People walking around, buildings filling the empty space, everything working. It was clear he was hallucinating, and so Matt sat himself back down, wringing his fingers together. It took him all of five minutes to realise where he was. The dream world version of hell.

Trixie opened her eyes to find herself in... darkness. And quiet. No longer laying on a bed, like she had been when she fell asleep. On a cold, rough surface. Stone, it felt like. There was no moon, no stars, just the faint glow of a streetlight in the distance. She looked around, slowly getting to her feet. She called out, first for Matt, but the cry slowly turned into a general plea for anyone to respond. She was starting to panic. No one to care. No one to hear her scream. Just that lonely streetlamp in the distance. She started walking toward it, blinking every so often. After one of her blinks, she saw the outline of a city. Buildings. Light. Most importantly, people. She started to run toward it in a major panic, but every so often after she blinked, it would move somewhere completely different.

After what seemed like ages, Matt finally had the courage to actually leave the room. He could hardly remember a thing about what happened, or at least at that moment, and as things did come flooding back..He hardly cared. He shut the door to the small room quietly, moving out the way of a girl walking past who by the looks of it couldnt even see him. Her eyes were white and glazed over, her body was stiff and she was dragging her feet, leaving tracks in the dust below them. Matt frowned and started off towards what looked like the tallest building he could see. A very large, wide red brick building, with about four windows to cover the whole thing. It looked incredibly run down, and people were rushing in and out of it the best he could. It seemed easier for Matt than it should have been, he had been told about this world endlessley. How depressing it could get sometimes, how fun it seemed other times. It wasnt all sadness and fear, it was bacially normal life. With your fears in it. He shuffled through the doors and inserted himself behind one of the walls, looking out the one of few windows, to see if he could spot Trixie, though the air was cloudy, and the visibility was limited.

It was only after she felt like giving up and curled into a ball to cry that the world came slowly closing back in on her. She reopened her eyes to find herself in a dark, quiet alleyway. The sounds of general city business rang around, but it was darker. Slightly more dank. She had absolutely no idea where she was or what was going on. Eventually, she convinced herself to stand and walk out of the alley, into a sparsely populated road. A few people shuffled along the sidewalk, some looking dazed, others panicked, some looking the slightest bit normal. She looked around to observe her surroundings. She was on a street that seemed to lead out into a sort of... plaza courtyard. If it could be called that. It was all rundown, neglected, unpainted and unkempt. But it was the busiest place She could see, what with people shoving their way in and out of it. She stalked slowly, tentatively forward, still shivering from the whiplash of her current situation.

The world that he, and unknowingly Trixie, had ended up in was by far the most confusing place that was talked about between the dream worlds. Of course it was the worst, but definitely the most asked about. Life went on as normal, that wasn't the problem, but the fears were mixed in so much that it was damn near impossible to stay happy. If you had a fear of dgs, there was a dog round every corner. If you had a fear of getting drugged, you had to buy certain, disgusting foods to avoid it happeneing. If you had a fear of heights, the floor would rise up only for you and terrorise you for as long as possible. The physical fears like that weren't exactly the worst. If you had a fear of abandonment, you would have frwquent hallucinations that you were indeed abandoned. If you were scared no one cared, your mind would make you think in that moment, for as long as an hour, that that was the case. And for Matt, the world would be empty in hallucinations. He leant against the red brick inner wall, peering out the window, watching as a group of people shuffled past.

Trixie slowly advanced the main 'hub'of activity. Where was this place? Why was everyone trying to get into this strange, decrepit building? More importantly, how was she going to get out? No one around her looked trustworthy in the slightest. All strangers, all focused on themselves and where they were going. No familiar faces. She may as well have been completely alone. She had a certain feeling that making friends wouldn't be... easy. So she would just have to look for one She already had. Or get out of this place. Whichever came first. She hesitated at the edge of the flow of people going into and out of the building, taking a small, steady breath before making her way in. She wasn't jostled too much- but after that, she was absolutely, utterly lost. There was no clear place where the people were going or anything like that.

Unbeknowest to him, Matt and Trixie were no longer on different sides of the fear world. Now, they were on completely opposite sides of the building instead, which was unfortunate-the building was bigger on the inside than how it looked on the outside. There were several rooms used for nothing set in particular, stairs up to an identical second, third, fourth, fifth floor, count as much as you want. And, as you got to the edge of each square floor, there was a balcony. You could see the other side of the building, and down to the bottom floor over the balcony. Matt did that exact thing, he headed up to the third floor, leaning against the balcony and peering down. Most people, to put it bluntly, looked like pricks. Self absorbed people that paid no attention to others. But then there were some others who looked very friendly, scared and slightly depressed, but friendly. He was shot a weak looking smile by a passer by, who then went on to start up a conversation with Matt, who was more focused on looking for Trixie. The girl talking to him seemed grateful to even have anyone to speak to, though for some reason Matt had no emotion towards her. He didnt care about whatever she was explaining. - I was thinking, instead of them randomly finding each other they could both be taken by like 'officials' or somrthing, to the same place and see each other there? but they're both restrained seeing as theyre not meant to be there?)

Yeah, that sounds good to me- would they end up escaping or just being let go?)) Trixie had her arms vaguely wrapped around herself. It was the first time She really acknowledged what she was wearing. Matt's shirt, her favorite jeans, and boots. Then again, why would she have changed? It was exactly as it had been when she fell asleep. It was easy to admit that the shirt brought her just a little bit of courage. It was like having him there, somehow. She sort of span in a little circle trying to find out where to go, which drew her gaze up. The building was too impossibly large for her to register how many rooms there might be. She decided then that it might be the time to ask... someone for help. She wandered toward the least crazy looking woman she could see, and she asked for an explanation. While the woman was sweet, the conversation went on in circles and Trixie still had no better information than she had before. Edited at October 11, 2023 09:36 PM by Widow Valley Farms

They could be let go, but not right away? And seeing as it was already glitchy enough for them to end up there, they could also somehow end up in at least the same city or something when they're both alive again?) - After what seemed like about ten minutes of useless conversation with the girl who was still waffling about something or the other Matt finally managed to stop it. He made up some stupid excuse about a meeting, and was late. The girl looked so dejected he probably should have felt bad, but he didnt. As usual, he didnt feel anything. Just as he was about to head back down to the bottom floor, making the decision to just explore the rest of this place, he was roughly grabbed by a very very tall official, muttering something along the lines of "come with me" he didnt protest, and instead let himself ger dragged away from the balcony, to a small, dark looking room. He was pretty much thrown against the wall, tied and then planted there, two officials staring down at him, whilst they conversed. It was hard to make out, but he picked up that someone else was meant to be brought there before they could..do whatever. His eyes widended as they mentioned Trixie's name, and he had to bite his lip to calling out, or asking about her.