Diablo watched little Faina , light im going to fly around and check things out again ok have one of the colts come and watch things here ok light Louis nods thanks , what you going to do ?
light nods and said " be safe" as she look at him she never like him going away Lisa said i don't know still thinking about that
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Diablo i will aways come back to you he nuzzles her and then walks off and goes in to a run and flys up in to the air Louis - really well how about we just get lunch togeather and you can think about it when we eat ?
light watches him go then looks around Lisa said okay i could do that
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Diablo flys around looking in the meadows and over the tree and sky lines Louis nods and then walks with her i know a place follow me Edited at October 19, 2022 03:58 PM by Thundering stables
Light grazes before watching faina run around and be free with nothing to worry about Lisa smiles and said okay great as she walks with him
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Diablo, sees some other creachers out and about so it was safe if they where all hiding more like somthing was around , he sees a herd of centares not far form him moving to a meadow he flys over to take a closer look Louis , walks to the cafe walks in and up to the front to order
Light lays down and neighs then said " faina stay close" Lisa walks in and up to the front as well
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Diablo , slows and flaps his wings and hovers in place watching them louis , orders what he wanted and looked at her what you like ?