
Kayla continued to carve for a couple hours before growing bored and walking around the town, mostly exploring
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"Call it in." Gale whispered,Hugh nodding and calling in a massive bull elk. "Oh shit." He muttered,drawing his bow as the other three did the same.Gale released the bow,the elk darting and getting killed by the third arrow. "Nice work,let's get it back to camp." Gale suggests,them all grabbing a leg and slowly dragging it back to camp.

Kayla walked back to camp after a couple hours, seeing the group approaching
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"Damn Hugh,good luck cooking this thing." He mutters,dropping it with a grunt. "Nice job to you two,go to hell for you,Valerie." Gale snapped,turning and cleaning his arrows in water to rid of the blood.

Kayla looked at him and smiled before ducking into the tent and sitting down
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Gale walked into the tent,taking off his cloak and putting his weapons away.

Kayla stood and walked over to him, brushing his hand with hers
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"Hey," He greeted,balling his hands into fists as he sat on one of the chairs

"You alright?" She asked quietly, sitting beside him
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"Yeah,just bored.Actually,I think I have a idea.It's getting hot,I know a spot.It's a little lake,I go there alot." He says,