
Celeste Harlow - Celeste finished cleaning just as Sage walked in. "Perfect..." she said, taking three cuts off the top of the pile of raw meat. "Could you go put those in the deep freeze in the basement, love? We should start saving for winter. I'll cook these, this'll last us a few days...." she explained, placing the venison in a large pan and soaking them in barbeque sauce and seasoning. Celeste could've just eaten the meat without seasoning, but she did enjoy the extra flavor the seasoning and barbeque provided. After the venison steaks had soaked for a couple of minutes, Celeste moved them to the grill and grilled them, rare.

Sage let Celeste take what meat she wanted fromt he pile, and then nodded with a grin, wandering to their basement and starting to stack the meat in the freezer as packed as he could. It was a good idea to start storing up food for the winter, because not only would there be less game around, but Celeste would, hopefully, be heavy with their children by then. She'd need to eat much more than she would now, and he wouldn't want to leave her alone long enough to go hunt much. Once he was done stacking the meat up, he moved to wander upstairs and change into clothes that didn't have deer hair and blood all over them. He also splashed some water on his face, to wash up a bit....getting deer blood all over their new house didn't seem like a wonderful idea. Celeste might kill him. he chuckled to himself at that comment. Once that was done, he wandered out to where Celeste was grilling, nose twitching as he picked up the delicious scent of the meat. He peered over her shoulder to look at the food, absentmindedly knawing on a leg bone from the deer. It wouldn't be very filling, but it tasted good. And besides, it made a satisfying noise when he bit through it.
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Celeste Harlow - Celeste giggled at Sage as he knawed on the deer bone. "Aw, you really are just like a puppy..." she teased but kissed his cheek lovingly. Celeste flipped the venison steaks, their outsides were nice and crispy, but she knew that the insides would be nice and perfect. All juicy with flavor and blood.

Sage sort of wrinkled his nose slightly at her comment, but gave her a grin in response to her kiss. "It tastes good," he mused lightly. "Plus it keeps my teeth from getting weird and pointy where they shouldn't be," he added with a shrug. It was sort of the same for a dog, he supposed..except his teeth were a lot bigger and a lot stronger....and they grew a heck of a lot faster. In the tavern, he'd had to use a knife and try to shape and grind them down by just chopping bits off here and there. So now that he had bones....well, he was going to use them. Having his mouth cut up because his teeth constantly get caught on the skin there wasn't exactly very pleasant.
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Celeste Harlow - Celeste giggled. "Well, I think it's adorable. My little wolfie husband," she said, pecking his cheek again, and then pulling the steaks off the grill and bringing them back into the kitchen so she could cut them up.

Sage sort of snorted in response to her comment, rolling his eyes but following her back inside, eyeing the meat as she moved to finish preparing them. He supposed he was definitely hungry by now....and they did smell quite lovely. He entertained himself by snapping through the bone quickly, muscles in his law working as he finished it quickly and then moved to gather drinks and such for their dinner.
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Celeste Harlow - Celeste cut one of the steaks in half, and then into quarters, so each of them got one-quarter of the large venison steaks. Celeste loaded each of their servings onto their plates. She also put salad on the side. Even though they were both carnivores, it was still good for them to eat their vegetables, they did both had human roots.

Sage got their drinks and then some silverwear out of the cabinet. By the time he'd done that, she'd cut up the meat and had put the food down in their spots at the table. he sat down next to her happily, handing her the fork and knife he'd grabbed for her before digging into his own food happily.
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Celeste Harlow - Celeste put the other steaks into the regular fridge in the kitchen to save for tomorrow and the rest of the week and then placed their full plates on the table. She sat down and took the silverware from Sage before digging in herself. After a few bites, she turned to Sage. "What do you think?" she asked curiously.

Sage just ate happily, humming lightly and giving his finacee a grin and thumbs up when she asked what he thought of it. "I haven't had venison in....i don't know how many years," he mused lightly. "never were any deer in the forests by the tavern. I'd be lucky to catch a half starved squirrel in thsoe woods," he snorted, popping another bite in his mouth happily.
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