
"Matt..." Trixie started, laying a hand on his arm and looking anxiously at the door while she listened to his reasoning. She bit her lip, looking torn for a few moments as she contemplated what to do. "Fine." She sighed, leaning into him quickly and giving him a quick, deep kiss. "But you better find me." She warned, tensing momentarily because she wanted to say so much more, but the footsteps were already coming closer and closer as it was. "See you soon." She whispered, turning and hurrying to the door, slipping out unnoticed to the left.

Matt smiled and recirpocated the kiss slightly, though he didnt give himself much time to exactly get distracted. He could only thank Trixie silently as she left, just before one of the officers made their way in. It was clear what they were there for, and there wasnt exactly any use fighting them, they were all tall, strong and just in general well trained. He let them read out whatever they wanted to waffle on about and be led downstairs, and into the car.

Trixie ducked out of the house and onto the street, watching from afar until he got pulled into a car. She felt quite distressed, but what in the hell could she do? (Skip to when he finds her?))

Of course, want me to start?


It had been an incredibly long, and admittedly painful evening of being held in custoday. Matt's worries about it being due to the drugs was right, and he was set to be pulled back into reality that next morning. After a whole hour of being searched, checked and given heavy, morphine filled painkillers they had finally left him alone, in what cold only be described as a box room . It was a stupid decision, though, the heavy drugshad not stopped him from manaing to escape and sneak back out into the pitch black outside. It was too late for him to escape completely, he was already on the system to be sent back. He just had to..wait. After another long hour of searching for Trixie he had finally madeit back to the courtyard, and could only hope she would be somewhere around there. He at least needed to say goodbye.

Luckily, Trixie had made herself wait in the main courtyard. It felt signifigant- it was right in front of where they met, and if he were going to check for her anywhere, this would probably be the place. She was still wearing his clothes, but she had found jeans and boots to go with them this time. She looked as though she hadn't slept a bit, and she was clutching a cold coffee Kiara had given her that morning, which she hadn't touched in the slightest. Her hair was put in a halfway presentable braid and she simply sat on the edge of the fountain, swinging her legs boredly to keep herself awake. She was going to wait for him no matter how long it took. She could definitely hear someone enter the courtyard, but she couldn't quite see them. She perked up, glancing around hopefully

Matt still didnt have his shirt on, he never got the chance to actually put it on nor did he get given one. And, to add to it, he had been given an extra wound to deal with by one of the guards, though the painkillers fought that off quite easily. He stumbled slightly across the gravel, kicking up small stones as he walked, running through what he was going to say to Trixie when he reached her. In fact he was running through it so much that he was zoned out completely, and very nearly walked straight into her. He looked up in surprise, steadying himself slightly before regaining his composure. He didnt say a word, and instead wrapped his arms round her gently, careful not to knock the drink she was holding. Everything he was running through his head hadnt been said, in fact not a word had been said.

Trixie recognized him as he approached, almost throwing her drink to the side as he wrapped his arms around her, launching herself up and wrapping her arms around him tightly. She placed a light kiss on his forehead, tearing up slightly. "I was so worried." She whispered, wincing when she saw his wound. She made sure not to touch it, looking up at him with concern and affection intermixed. "Are you okay? What did... what did they say?" She asked softly, raising a hand to run through his hair as she sat him down beside her on the fountain.

Matt gave a weak smile, leaning back against the fountain edge and settling his hand on Trixie's waist, watching as she looked down at his wound. "I'm fine, I cant feel a thing" He said with a slight laugh, shaking his fringe out his eyes, which were ever so slightly red from the high levels of painkillers. "They...Just.." His voice faltered as he tried to explain, and he found it hard to look her in the eye. Knowing he was leaving in pretty much a couple of hours and quite possibly never seeing Trixie ever again upset him so much more than it should have. He wasnt falling in love with her, there's no way. Right? "I'll be gone by the morning, Trixie" he said, his sentence blunt, his tone incredibly solemn.