The girl snickered at him before shrugging. "What? Not my fault you just looove your little fishes," she mused lightly as she ducked her head under the water to look about... it was super pretty down here. All the little fish, the plants... it was nice to be around animals without being scared they were going to rip you to shreds. She then had a thought and popped back up to shore, chuckling at Tyler before humming. "Hey... do you reckon dolfins can rabies? I mean, they are mammals," she mused lightly.
Tyler tipped his head. "Welll.... you are correct, dolphins ARE mammals. I'm surprised you knew." Tyler said teasingly. "Yet I do not know if they can get rabies. I would assume so, though." He answered the best he could, swimming to the shallower water so he could sit and think.
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Regan rolled her eyes at him. "Well, Tyler, I'm not a stupid as you seem to think I am!" She retorted with a bit of a laugh. "How would they even get in contact with rabid animals though?" She asked with a bit of a cocked head, wandering over to rub his shoulder happily.
Tyler made a face. "If I said you were stupid aloud, my second thing on the list would be checked off pretty quickly." He snorted. "Of course you're not stupid! You're much smarter than me... granted that ain't saying much." Tyler grinned, glancing at her. He thought for a moment, then tipped his head. "I said they CAN get rabies, not they WILL." He answered with a chuckle, looking back down into the water
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Regan nodded in agreement to the boy, then gently patted his cheek on a fake slapping motion. "To be honest, you're probably the smarter one... knowing about literally everything," she mused to the boy before shrugging, then went to splash him playfully. "It's an interesting thought... imagine a whale or something like that with rabies. That's terrifying," she mused with a bit of a laugh.
Tyler warded off the splash, sending one of his own Regan's way. "I think seeing a whale with rabies would be hilarious. What could it do... make all the plankton in the ocean get rabies? They're not even mammals." Tyler laughed, tipping his head. He was thinking of baleen whales... but he guessed toothed whales could get rabies too. In that case... crazed seals running around. He chuckled at the thought, glancing at Regan
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Regan shook her head at him, a happy squeak escaping her when he flicked some water back up at her. "I don't think plankton can get rabies," she told him with a bit of an amused chuckle. "If they could then I think we'd all be done for," she mused. "And the same with mosquitos... well, can they carry it?" She asked with an amused laugh. "Then we really would be done for," she added with a laugh.
Tyler laughed also, thinking about that. "Let's just be glad it is only mammals that can get rabies." He said, putting a hand in the water before diving back into the deeper end. The splash soaked Regan, as Tyler was hoping it would. He came back to the surface, smiling, glancing around at the trees. "Got you... twice." Tyler grinned, wiping the wet hair away From his forehead again
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Regan nodded in agreement. "Do you think things will really go back to normal, though? Most of the people I've ran into seem to think not. The rest of them are already dead," she told him with a small frown. She didn't want him to be uncomfortable or anything... or hate her for asking such a question, but all the same she was very, very curious to see what he actually thought.
Tyler tipped his head thoughtfully. "It depends on the rabies virus. Most virus' don't last too long... they will kill themselves out. If, it is that kind of virus then yes, things will go back to normal. Or mostly normal, anyway." Tyler, answered slowly, thinking about it. "So the virus will either fade away, or it will rampage the earth until every mammal is dead. The latter option is less common... as you can see, we are not dead yet."
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