
Dylan Montgomery - Dylan continued to violently seize on the floor. ( He's not allergic, he's diabetic, but they don't know that yet )

(Alrighty, thanks.) "Help in here! Call 9-1-1 or somethig!" Lilith yelped, holding Dylan down.

Dylan Montgomery - Dylans mom was in the doorway, already on the phone with 911. Dylan accidentally bit down on his tongue and blood started to drip out of his mouth as his tongue bled while he continued to seize. Soon enough the ambulance was here.

Lilith yelped as the EpiPen slipped from her grip, pricking her. "Ow." She winced.

Dylan Montgomery - Dylan stopped seizing as the ambulance got here, but he was still unconscious. The EMT's loaded Dylans unconscious body onto the stretcher and into the ambulance.

Lilith looked to Dylan's mom. "What exactly happened? He was fine when I got up two hours ago." She frowned, concerned.

Dylan Montgomery - Dylans mom shrugged, really worried about Dylan. "I don't know, he's been asleep," she said getting into the ambulance. "Are you coming, Lilith?"

"Yep." She nodded, climbing in. "He's my boyfriend, I'd be a bad girlfriend if I didn't go."

Dylan Montgomery - Dylan woke in the hospital a few hours later, the doctors hadn't figured out what was wrong yet. Dylans eyes fluttered open and he looked around slowly, his head pounding.

Lilith sat by him, holding his hand. "Hey, baby." She murmured, placing a damp, cold cloth on his forehead.