Anya smiled slightly, going quiet for a while. She wondered how Sage had become so... good. Especially growing up in the slums with a father like his, finding the means to be even a little friendly towards the likes of her seemed like it should be at least a little challenging. "I hope you're right. If you're not here, the likes of Lizzie will be. I can do my best for them." She murmured, almost under her breath. A small knock at the door filled an empty silence, to which made Anya jump out of the bed. "Ready to meet your doctor? Do bare in mind that while I think you're perfectly respectable, he does think that you're a street rat. So be nice." She teased with a gentle chuckle before inviting the man in.
Sage grunted and forced himself to sit up. "I guess I can be nice," he muttered in a somewhat teasing manner. He made a face. "Although if he's rude I'll be rude back. I promise I won't do too much though," he chuckled. Sage eyes the man as he walked in. Sure, he trusted Anya, and he trusted the doctor's experience, but he didn't trust the man himself. He knew it would be fine, but he still had his own thoughts about the man. Plus, he had never seen someone so....old. And wrinkly.
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The man walked in the room, carrying with him a slightly larger case than he had before. He glanced around the room, a look of disgust crossing his face before turning to Anya. "Looks like everything went well." He grumbled, dropping his case on a side table. Anya gave a small pout and pointed to Sage. "I wouldn't know. I wasn't here. You can talk to him, he said he wont bite." The girl teased humourlessly. The doctor raised a brow before turning to the boy, wrinkling his nose a little as he looked him over. "Right." He breathed, hopscotching round the blood pool so that he was stood next to him. "Feeling better, I assume." He breathed solemnly. "Hopefully you managed to cough most of your infection up. I was planning on opening you up and clearing it manually, but that could just cause more issues than it's worth, and it's likely that in the state your in that you wouldn't even make it through that." The man furrowed his brows a little, going into his bag an pulling out a little needle. "I can, however, give you a shot to help your immune system clear it. Give you a boost, if you will." He shrugged, leaving the option up to Save.
Sage shrugged. "You're the doctor," he muttered. "I don't particularly care what you do. It's not like I can get much worse." He really didn't care one way or the other. He could feel fluid in his lungs again, which was obviously an issue, but Lizzie knew how to make him cough it up. If the shit worked, great. If not, he had other options. And really, even if he died Anya would care for Lizzie as best she could, so in reality he had nothing to worry about. His immune system worked fine, but he also knew it was strained since he lived and worked in a very dirty, diseased environment. He was trying to be nice, he really was, and he hoped his tone was at least not agressive or snooty...he may not be in a happy state of mind but he could try to sound like he trusted the man. Or at least he hoped it sounded like it. He wasn't exactly used to having someone higher up ask him what he wanted to do, even if it was with his own body.
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The man let out a huff of complaint before taking out a little vile filled with a clear liquid and putting the end of the needle in it to draw the liquid. "Shot it is then." He stated before grabbing Sages upper arm and sinking the needle into him with one swift movement. Really, the man was rather impatient. From where he was standing, Sage seemed rather... ungrateful, is the word. He was safe, out of the mange, and being looked after by one of the best doctors money could buy... given, the standard was pretty low, considering there wasn't that many Physicians about, but still, he expected some form of gratitude. "It could take days or even months to clear up. Maybe longer as you're nursing a wound. Keep at that tea I showed your sister for a while, it'll make breathing easier for you." He told the boy before turning to Anya. "It it gets bad again give me a shout, I'm always around. And Anya... I do expect payment soon." He noted, his gaze cold. The girl had every intention of repaying him, but she wanted Sage to be at least walking about before then. "Of course. Lets make sure the boy lives first though, alright." That wasn't a request. The doctor would have to wait. Anya just had to make sure her offer was worth the wait, or else things would get messy.
Sage huffed out a breath and poked Lizzie, though she didn't wake up. "I'll figure the tea out later. She's dead asleep right now " he gave he a look that only siblings can give eachother. He barely noticed the shit, but that was because his side hurt worse, though the doctor had been a bit rough with the shot. He was just used to worse he supposed. Either way, he hadn't paid much attention. He just hoped Anya hadn't paid this guy too much just to keep him around. He didn't think that he was worth much, if he was being honest. But that was a whole other conversation.
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(On the last leg of our travels! 20 hours in a car. Taking turns driving so I may not be on much.) Anya watched as the doctor turned to leave, thankful that he had finally gone. Though, he hadn't done very much to help. Sage was still ill, which combined with his injury, meant he was still so far from being safe. She took a glance at the ground, which was still covered in Sage's blood. "I'll have to find you a bucket or something to cough into next time." She grumbled before looking at a small clock in the corner. It had been hours since she had gotten there. The girl bit her bottom lip, praying that no one had needed her during that time. "I suppose we'll have to clean your insides up of the floor at some point." She teased before standing up. "I'll go get some food then find a mop or something to clean up." A sickly feeling rose in Anya's throat at the thought, but it had to be done and she'd rather do it sooner rather than later.
(alright have fun and be safe!) Sage chuckled and nodded. "I'll clean it up, you don't have to do it. It is kinda gross I guess, and you're not a fan of blood and...uh...whatever else is down there." He grinned. "Or I'll just tell Lizzie to do it," he joked teasingly, having no intention of actually waking his sister up to clean. He shrugged. "Hopefully I won't cough much up for a while. Or at all. It should heal relatively quickly. I'm usually a quick healer." It was true, for someone in the slums anyway. It wasn't exactly a lie, and Anya needed to hear something good. He would just have to suck it up and get to work. He decided not to even ask the doctor about working so he could use the excuse that he never said not to work. Anya would probably argue for him to not work, and it would probably he healthier, but he had to make some kind of money.
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Anya gave a light smile. "You'd better be a quick healer. As much as I just love having you here, I'm afraid that I can't hide you away forever." She joked as she stood at the door for a moment. "And it's not just 'kinda gross.' It ruins that whole ruggedly handsome thing you have going on." The girl scoffed teasingly before wrinkling her nose. "I'll bring a bucket and a mop through anyway. I don't mind who clears it up, whether it's me, you, or Lizzie just so long as it's done. Though, I doubt you're going to manage to get yourself up to do it, not unless you're planning to mop from your bed." Anya smiled mockingly before slipping back out the door, making her way towards her chambers to prepare for supper.
Sage huffed out a breath when she pointed out that last part. She was probably right, though he should get up and do it himself. He was going to be doing much more at the tavern soon anyway, so he may as well get a feel of what work was going to be like. Besides, he was stubborn, probably too stubborn, so he would clean it up if he wanted to. Moping from the bed was an option, even though Anya had been joking. He lay down again and looked over at Lizzie before yawning and closing his eyes. He could sleep, he supposed. He was no longer at risk of going into a coma from blood loss or whatever, and his lungs were clear enough ... He'd wake up long before he had to cough much up. He wouldn't suffocate in his sleep. He never slept long because of nightmares. If he got three to five hours in he'd be lucky. He wasn't like Lizzie, who could sleep for twelve hours straight and wake up perfectly happy because she got a long deep sleep. He was an incredibly light sleeper who could barely keep himself asleep. He did fall asleep though.. he felt pretty safe. Anya was taking care of him. He chuckled slightly, never having thought anyone would be caring for him. Then he slipped into a light sleep, curling up on the bed. He always looked more his age when he slept, the worry lines disappearing and his face softening.
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