
Zephyr looked at her. "Don't look so grief stricken. It's one practice- you'll be fine. Mine was worse. I almost fell flat on my face like eight times. And you don't have to sit here- the coach dismissed you, which means you're free from school. Do you want to go home?" He asked with a slight tilt of his head, glancing at the field.
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She looked away as he spoke. +if I go home does that mean you leave me or stay?+ she wondered. She couldn't ask him that question. She would die. She looked at Zephyr. "I guess going home wouldn't hurt me" she sighed
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Zephyr glanced at her with a slightly concerned look before focusing on her next words. "No it wouldn't. You obviously need rest." He smiled slightly before grabbing her arm and pulling her up. "Okay! Let's go. No more depressing sad faces. Look happy." He demanded cheerfully, already grabbing her heavy softball bag.
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Sophia suppressed a laugh when he demanded her to be happy. "I'm guessing something good happened between lunch and now" her skin buzzed at his touch. She allowed herself to be pulled to her feet and followed him to his truck
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Zephyr smiled. "That's the spirit." He commented before heading towards his truck and opening the passenger door. "Sooo I haven't installed that step yet, but..." He teased lightly with a slight grin. "I'm sure you can manage."
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"I guess crawling in works" she said after he opened the door. "Nice manners" she teased. She pulled herself up into the truck and threw her backpack into the back seat of the truck. "Thank you for volunteering to take me home but he way" she smiled and poked his arm
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Zephyr grinned a little before closing the door and walking around to the other side, easily climbing up and starting the truck. "As I have said before, my pleasure. I'm here to help." He answered with a small smile before pulling out and heading the route to her house, which he somehow still remembered.
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Sophia tried not to laugh "how do you still remember how to get to my house?" She tilted her head at him
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Zephyr glanced away with a small huff. "It fried into my brain. I don't know why, but I don't think it's ever leaving." He snorted, quickly making it to her driveway. "And we're here." He paused with a teasing grin and quickly hopped out to open her door for her, and grab the heavy softball bag.
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"Where did you get your manners?" She asked when he opened the door. She reached back before she got out, grabbing her backpack. She yanked it along with her when she jumped out. "Thanks. You really don't have to take my bag out for me" she stopped and chuckled "looks like you already did!" She marched herself up to the door and opened it. "Are you leaving or staying...?" she really didn't want Zephyr to leave, but if he wanted to he could. She wasn't going to be a hindrance
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