When they got home, Dakota went to the barn and fed the horses. "Jacob? Athena and Flame are missing!" Dakota looked everywhere. Then she walked out to the pasture and saw Flame standing next to Athena, who was laying down. "Athena! You had your foal!" Dakota ran to Athena and admired the little smokey black filly. "We'll name you Smoke." Dakota patted the filly and hugged Athena.
Jacob follows and smiles and watches the little filly and said "look how cute she is "
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"I know! If Athena can manage a second, I can manage a fourth." Dakota smiled and looked at Jacob. "Only if you want a fourth." Dakota looked over at the filly. She grabbed Jacob's hand and put her head on his shoulder.
Jacob said "I would like a forth but your the one who carry it" Jacob kissed her forehead and hold her hand
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"Yeah. Who else would?" Dakota laughed and shook her head. She looked into Jacob's eyes. "I wouldn't really care what gender it is. Zion sure loves taking care of Jennica. He would be so happy if he had another sibling." Dakota smiled. "Let's leave the horses alone." She walked inside with Jacob.
Chapter 7. (are we on chap. 7?? I forget xD)
(I forgot to xd) Jacob said " yeah he does do really good with the kids" Jacob knew that he would make a very good dad one day Jacob smiles at Dakota she was the most pretty lady
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"Yes he does." Dakota smiled back at him. "You know, you're the most handsome person i've ever met. No one can add up to how cute you are." Dakota giggled and walked inside. She went into the kitchen and let the kids watch tv before bed.
Jacob shakes his head and when in and said " I am not cut you are cute but I am not"
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"You are. I can tell you know, because you blush every time." Dakota laughed. She looked at him and smiled.