Vincent said " how to behave myself " as he laughs before sighing Sinclair growls as jo steps forward
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Kayla stepped out onto the porch, "hello why are you here?" She said to the people
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Jo said " you know why little girl Vincent is here and I know it " Sinclair backs up a bit before staring at them
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"He is not here, you savages took him!" She hissed at the man, "you took my man!" She said placing a angry tone into her voice to make it believable
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Jo laughs and said " then how come Sinclair here" Sinclair said " oh I am going you now" when the vampire king shows and said " enough " as he walks towards the girl
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Kayla stepped back a bit, this strange man coming towards him, "stay away from me" she said
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Jo and the other two got Sinclair down and he tried fighting the king walks on to the pouch and pushes her against the wall and said " maybe I should take you with me "
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She tried to push him away, "leave..me alone!" She tried, she was afraid
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King leans in and said " I am a vampire young girl learn place" Vincent was getting uncomfortable with this king grabs her arm and said " let's go let Sinclair he nothing" as he pulls the girl away
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She tried to pull against him, back towards the house, but he was stronger, in one of her attempts to pull back, she had slipped and fell, hurting herself, but she still tried to get back to vincent
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