"I guess thats true..." She said quietly, clearly still a little agitated. " But this manager of ours.... She needs to pull her finger out. She doesn't have any intention of helping out and giving you any money back." She huffed as she started to sweep neros bedding back.
"its not the money i'm worried about." Sam said. "more the cost of the vet. Nero will need at least a checkup after being left alone for more than 5 days." Said Sam, finishing the stable and making sure it was fresh and airy. Then he turned to Ellie, a calmer look passing over his face. "but i'm sure he'll be just fine, thanks to your help." he said gratefully, a lopsided smile passing over his face.
"The money would help with the vet bills at least," She replied with a small huff. She frowned at his thanks to her, having it given her an uneasy feeling. "Don't do that." She told him after a moment, "I literally did nothing, please don't thank me for something I didn't do. Especially if I could have done something to stop it."
Sam nodded. "hey, you did help. And there's nothing that you could have noticed about Nero, i didn't ask you to take care of him, did i?" sam said, trying to vanish her frown. "and he's happy now, so i'm happy too."
Ellie shook her head to him with furrowed brows. "Even so, I still feel bad." Ellie noted with a huff. She took a look over to the thin stallion, then back at Sam, "I'm sorry that you came back from a funeral to this." She told him blankly.
"eh, the funeral was'nt so bad." Sam said with a small sigh. Putting down his spade, he put his arms around Ellie in a warm hug. After all, by the look on her face, she needed it. "it'd OK. It was'nt your fault." he said again, his head over her shoulder.
Ellie gave him a small smile, leaning into the warmness of his embrace. There really wasn't anything that could convince her that she could have done more, but she didn't want to go on about it, and she was sure Sam would get bored of her insistent looking back, and he was probably a bit upset the way it was. "Uhm... Thank you." She said after a short moment.
" 's ok." Sam said, leaning back and hopping onto the wooden fence nearby to watch Nero and the sunset. It really was quite beautiful there, the warm colors of the melting sun combining with the lush greenery of the surrounding woodland, made it an idyllac scene, especially with the silhouettes of horses against the sun.
She nodded softly before turning to stare into the stables and a few of the horses that poked their head of the windows before looking back at the stunning paddocks. She was quiet for a long time just staring until the moon replaced the suns warm rays with its cold light. "I'm going to bed-" she whispered, as though she was trying hard not to break him from the trance of the paddock.
Sam stopped looking at the horses for a minute, turning his head to face her. He nodded silently, a small smile lingering on his lips as he looked into her eyes. They stayed like that for a few seconds until Sam blinked a little and tuned back to the paddock, an odd feeling enveloping his body as Ellie walked away, back to her house.