Pin smiled and walked to the chairs. (Speaker Lady: First is Valerie Please introduce yourself to the judges)
Valerie walks to the judges table introduces her and her horse as she waited for to give her the sign to head in as they did she begin to do a prance trot entering the arena as she slows down and hand bows
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Pin Saw the others and they did nt a great job. ( Speaker Lady: For jumping Pin !) "Im Pin Grey, and this is Veloci we will be attempting the Wall Jump!" Pin began to jump over a few jumps and made the wall jump as he hand bowed aswell. Edited at January 23, 2024 01:07 PM by VelociHoof
she claps for pin before she got valerie ready for Barrel racing she undid the braids and brushed her done as she was trying to watch him as well before her ex came and said " you did wonderful" Valerie said " you don't care why are you here anyways" her ex said " please Valerie take me back i promise ill do better"
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Pin Saw her ex and walked up to Valerie and acted like her boyfreind so he would go away " Hey Babe!,you did great" Pin put his hand on her shoulder.
Valerie froze a bit before says " no you did great you made the junp and i know you could " as she plays along before her ex sighed and turns in a huff and walks away fast
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" Finally hes gone" Pin chuckled "I only acted like you boyfreind so hed go away,Youll do great at barrel racin remmeber, stay with the flow of the air"
Valerie said " thank you but he soon won't bother me again" as she sighed before nodding knowing they were setting it up and said " raven better at barrels then dressage "
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They called out her name, pin watched her and after he said ' you did great their gonna call out first place people"