"Close but no. Sadly. Kally is underweight, she doesn't trust anyone, and her fur and joints need help." She explained with a grin. Kally could be a unicorn in disguise. "I mean, she might be in disguise!" Ria mused while walking forward with her grain mixture.
"It seems that way, i'd hate having to measure that much stuff just for one horse. She seems like she needs as much as all the horses combined, to be honest." Liam smiled, walking with her as his next chore was in the arena. "Whats up with Kally though?" He asked, curious. He hadn't really paid too much attention to her, knowing the mare didn't paticularly like anyone else.
She sighed, Kally was a tough case to crack. "Her owners are alcoholics, and she needs a gentle touch. For years, they have scared her, but they have never actually abused her, so we can't take her away from them. Sometimes, I think that it would be so much better for Kally if they just abused her," Ria sighed, "I mean that as they would no longer be traumatizing the poor mare anymore."
Liam raised his eyebrows at her explanation, glancing over at the mare which was now only a couple stalls down. "Christ. And there's really nothing you can do? I guess talking to them wouldn't do the best job. If they're the way they are, talking would probably infuriate them. That'snever good." He smiled as he spoke, so not as to come off as rude. Or bored. That happened constantly. He was enjoying talking to this girl, partly because it delayed having to set up a bunch of showjumps. But also because she seemed nice enough, definitely nicer than most of the other people there.
"I know!" She said responding to his comment. "And we have tried talking to them. My dad knew that that was the only hope that we could convince them to give up the mare without being illegal. Which he says is off limits." Ria parted ways with Liam to give the pretty mare her grain. As she entered the stall, the mare looked at her and asked with a quiet neigh to put the grain down.
Liam smiled as she headed into Kally's stall, knowing not to get any closer to the mare. Instead, he straightened his seemingly bad posture, and headed out to the arena. A kid was trotting round, with the trainer who was yelling about her riding. "Heels, Lily. No dont take your feet out the stirrup. Heels down. " Liam sighed, and waited to get the trainers attention. "Uh, sorry. Were you the people who asked to set up the jumps?" He asked, eyeing the child. It didn't look incredibly experienced. "Yes, I was. Only 60cm jumps please, nothing else. A course nuber too, maybe 6?" She said, and Liam nodded, raising his eyebrows a bit. The trainer smiled as he nodded, her eyes lingering on him. She looked about 20, and fed up with the child. . Liam set up 6 60cm jumps, in a simple course position, before making hs way out the arena. "Oh excsuse me." A voice called. "Could you stay? In case they're knocked down." Liam swivelled round. It was the trainer. "Oh yeah sure." He said, and she smiled. "Ash." She said, presenting her hand. "Liam."
After giving the mare her grain, she left. The mare still didn't trust her enough to eat with her there. She walked out to watch the lesson, Lilly had been here for 15 lessons now, and was improving greatly. Ash had requested her to come to one of the lessons, as Ria wanted to become her trainee. When she got there, Ash waved her in, and she walked in.
Liam watched as Ash put her hand on his arm, clearly pretending not to know she'd done it. "Oh, sorry. Needed something to lean on." She winked, and he shifted uncomfortably. "Oh its..fine." He said, bored. Lily had not jumped yet, and he was growing very iritated with his headache. Soon enough though, she went for her first jump Annnd failed. Liam sighed, visiblly fed up with the kid, and headed to the middle of the arena to pick up the poles.
"Hey Ash, what should I do?" Ria asked calmly, trying to get Liam out of the awkward situation. Ash suddenly realized that her trainee was here and she was being very unprofessional.
Liam sighed at Ria asking what todo. Hopefully she could get him out of this, it was tedious. He patted the welsh pony Lily was on and walked back over to the fence, his vision blurry again for a split second. apologies for it being so short, brains fried))