-oh sry- She walked around until she found a good nesting spot and layed in it.
Flicka didn't wait she went over to the other horses that had humans with them she knew these was the one Val was with
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"Ew look!" one of the mare said as she saw the wild mare. "Jenny, be nice." a cow responded. "Well, Tash, if you knew anything about beauty you would go and die in a hole!" the mare responded snarkily. "Jenny, maybe I'm 7 years older than you and know that beauty comes from the inside, not your coat colour." "Tash, do you really know anything. You had to get, Glory, Glory, to help you find the grain!"
Flicka seen then talking about her that's when she just shook her fur while looking at them "I don't care what you think of me but your friend Val is in trouble ." Flicka said to them "North I wouldnt try her she just chased us off a bit ago she set fire around us while the other mare got free you really think you can take her on? " one of the stallions asked Edited at May 16, 2023 08:16 PM by Valhalla Acreage
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"Val? In trouble?" North worried. North was Val's very best friend, and many rumours had sprouted that they loved each other. "You think I can't take my best friend on and help my very best friend? I would do anything to help Val!" By far, North was the best at convincing any of the mares to do anything.
"You wont trick her North that other mare is not one who will be tricked." The one stillion said to north Flicka watched form a distance at val and north she would let val be for now
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"I don't have to trick her." he stated as he jumped over the fence and ran in Val's direction.
"Not val idiot the jet black mare also known as Flicka." The one stallion said to north Flicks couldn't stand by and let val be so stupid and fall in his trap Flicka ran down to val "We are going home now." Flicka said to val
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"And, I still don't know who you are..." Val answered to Flicka.
"Why are you acting so stupid can you not see he's playing you as a fool smarten up." Flicka said to her
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