
Trixie rolled her eyes. "Well, call me selfish." She shrugged sarcastically, following him easily and watching him intently as he raked a hand through his hair. She took a seat beside him easily, ordering two drinks and glancing up at him as he finished speaking. She rolled her eyes, scoffing before she answered. "I'll always need you with me. Either way, I'd be a nervous wreck without you."

Matt raised his eyebrows at Trixie's last comment, swirling around the strange color liquid in his glass that had been very quickly passed to him. Clearly she hadnt met much by what she said, but it still made him feel some sort of way. "If you say so" he said quietly, staring down at the bar with a slight smile.

Trixie watched the alcohol in her glass warily, then took a small, quick sip as though it would save her from the taste. It wasn't nearly as strong as her other experience with liquids in this world, so she calmed slightly and seemed less... afraid of it. She glanced over at him, the kind of little smile on his face that made him look sweet. "I do." She added softly, glancing off at the ballroom.

Matt nodded and gave a very quick smile, staring down at his glass in thought for a good 30 seconds before turning back towards Trixie, inhaling sharply as if switching emotions rather fast. "Right well, we can go whenever, we dont have to stay here. If you dont want to" he said, his tone upper neutral. He was looking Trixie in the eye wuite intensely as he spoke, his tongue running over his teeth for a split second.

Trixie didn't break the silence after that, watching the vibrant liquid in her glass swirl and glow with slight interest. As he started to speak, her gaze snapped back to him intently. "Well, I..." She faltered as he held her gaze, watching his tongue swipe across his teeth and going blank in the mind. "I mean, whatever is fine with me." She finished slowly, pulling her gaze away from his lips.

Matt again nodded slowly, letting a small, slightly teasing smile play on his lips. Though the alcohol they served there definitely wasn't as strong, it still had the same kick-in time, and the same feeling. "We should get out of here at some point soon, it's getting boring. Plus, i'm sure we could find some other stuff to do" he said, breaking his gaze only after he finished his sentence to finish what was left in his glass, before standing himself up off the stall, shuffling abit closer to Trixie.

Trixie gave him a playful look. "I thought we were supposed to be promoting me? We've spoken to two people." She said sarcastically, but she nodded at the suggestion to leave. "I mean, it depends on what that other stuff entails." She teased, finishing her glass off but staying seated as she turned her body to face him while he stood. She tilted her head up at him, thinking to herself for a few moments.

"Yes but in all honesty its boring here" Matt groaned, giving Trixie a quick smile as he leaned against the bar right next to her."Anyway, the two people are probably the most important two people here. I'm thinking the other stuff could be more..interesting." He shrugged, his mind stirring quickly. As suggestive as he was coming across, he was thinking more..stir trouble than cross the weak boundaries they had set previously.

Trixie chuckled and stood, which brought them almost chest to chest. "You're right, I suppose." She nodded, sighing at his suggestive manner in slight frustration, but she decided to play along. "Alright. Interest me then." She teased, wrapping her arms around him and settling playfully close to him.

Matt shrugged, watching his surroundings as he spoke. "You don't do..drugs do you" he asked, titling his head. His tone was that of genuine interest, though his expression was very different. Playful, but nearly as if he knew his question was purely stupid.