Dhe turned around letting go of Isaac running toward shadow nudging him "shadow wake up!" She yelled her eyes tearing up bareing her teeth at her father " THIS IS YOUR FALT" she yelled as she ran away crying.
Shadow lays limp on the ground Isaac smiles and watches her father sighed and said " I was only doing it for your protection " then he turn to Isaac and said " take him " Isaac growls and told his men to come in and put Shadow in the car
Alexia hid behind a tree as she shifted to human she placed her arms over her legs as she placed her head on her arms and sobbed some water from the last night rain dripped on her head
Shadow felt the car stop but they leave him in the car and Shadow growls lays down sad that he was with alexia then he shifted in to Shadow wolf and burns the car door and cage door and hops out and ran away from them