Dakota tried to break away. It was no use. She was a gonner. "Jacob..." She whispered.
dad pulls her into the bedroom and said " he too far to hear you scream " as he closes the door and looks her up and down
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Dakota smirked and kicked him super hard in the face. She jumped out the window and ran for her life.
dad growls and ran after her which being tied might slow her down a bit but who knows jacob passed town and towards the other citys
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Dakota cut the rope and ran faster. She saw Jacob's car. "Jacob!" Dakota yelled hoping he heard her.
jacob was mostly worried how he was going to fight him off dad grabs her from behind and holds her really tight that way she trys nothing
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Athena had followed them the whole way there and she quietly snuck up from the back. She nudged his back and when he turned around, she kicked him. He fell to the ground in pain. Dakota got on Athena and galloped after Jacob. They ran in front of his car to make him stop. When he got out, Dakota ran to him and hugged him tightly. "Your dream was real. We need to call the police." Dakota kissed him and called 911. The police decided that he needed to be killed. They asked Jacob if that was okay.
Jacob nods okay for them to do that he didn't have feeling for his dad anyhow Jacob said " he didn't hurt you did he "looking at her worries holding her close
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"No, not bad. He just tied my neck to a chair and my wrists. Now their all bruised." Dakota leaned into him. She held his hand tightly and tears fell down her face. Dakota felt horrible. "Where are the kids? Are they safe?" Dakota was so worried. The police took his dad and handcuffed him. "We're taking him to a suffocation room. Any last words?" They asked Jacob.
Jacob shakes his head and looks at his dad and then said "the kids are fine they are worried about you" then said "let's get you home I'll get some a ice for you to put on your neck"
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