Diablo - looked up and eats the grass he had then walks to another spot for a bit // Louis - smiles and mounts his horse and then gets them in to a run and they take off in flight he looked around onece they got up there he started heading for the office
Light walks to a place and lays down her stomach hurt but not the same as when her baby's were kicking // lisa took flight to the office and smiles as she when happy to be with a horse
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Diablo - shakes his mane out a bit as he keeps watching around // Louis - keeps flying till he got to the office and then lands with the mount and dismounts then ties them up and walks in
Light felt like sleeping but she didn't want to now // lisa lands and ties her horse up and walks inside and smiles at everyone glad to be here finally
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Diablo - keeps a look out and flicks his tail and ears a bit and snorts a bit stomping his hoof cuse of a fly bugging him // Louis - heads in for role call and lines up with the rest of the squad
Light flicks her tail as she lays there feeling a fly walk up her back // Lisa lines up with them waiting for something to do hopefully it is a good one
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Diablo - walks over to light and sees the fly on her and gets rid of the fly // Louis - yes sir ! // Officer - walks up role call i will call out your name one at at a time and your repond under stood ?
Light looks at him and smiles before closing her eyes and relaxing // Lisa - Lisa waited for him to give her role call to her
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Diablo - smiles nuzzling her Louis - waits for his name to be called officer starts calling names off and gets to Lisa, lisa !
Light nuzzle him back and smiles looking at him // Lisa said "yes sir" as she steps up and waited for what he wanted
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