
Trixie could barely tell Matt had said anything, but she saw his lips move. She leaned closer to him, instinctively laying a hand on his arm and tilting her head. "What was that?" She asked lightly. She hated the way he seemed to draw further and further away from her; it felt like she was losing him prematurely.

"Huh?" Matt asked, being brought out his thoughts rather quickly at the hand on his arm. "Oh, i said yeah. As in we probably should be walking around" he said a little louder this time, though made absolutely no effort to move. "I assume you'll want me to come with you? Instead of sitting here and you go off?" he asked, looking over at Kiara briefly.

Trixie nodded as she heard him, gently pulling back and glancing around. She looked at him with a small scoff as he spoke again. "Is that even a question? Do I look like I can even walk straight right now without someone halfway reasonable next to me?" She asked, somewhat teasingly. She shuffled slightly as his gaze wandered to Kiara again.

Matt let his expression break into a small smile as Trixie spoke, and he gave a small shrug in return, taking a little while to actually answer. "I'll come with you then" he said with a sigh, doing his best not to sound the way he had with the unbothered tone. Spending all evening at an event with him worrying about the near future would prove boring. "Should we walk around then?" he asked, giving her a newly large smile, making himself sound friendlier as he did so.

"Thanks." Trixie said, sighing as she watched him. She stood and lightly adjusted her dress, looking down at him as he spoke with a small smile. "Yes, lets." She nodded.

Matt nodded and got up, beckoning for Trixie to follow. He headed toward the outside of the large crowds in the venue, watching as it got profusely busier in the middle. As a xouple caneras headed over, he turned to Trixie. "just stand and smile" he said silently

Trixie followed Matt lightly, inserting herself almost at his side. She looked around in interest, sticking close to him as they moved. She blinked at his command, taking the cameras in and then doing as he asked, standing signifigantly closer to him.

For the most part, the pictures and everything really weren't a problem. Both Matt and Trixie were familar with the right poses, or so it seemed, and the cameramen and various scouters looked pleased witht he outcome. Though as a rather important looking woman wandered over, beckong various cameraswith her, Matt tensed rather a lot. "She's one of the..important ones" was all he managed to get out as she fluttered over, placing herself in front of Trixie. Her eyes travelled over the girl before flitting to him, the frown on her face replaced with a slightly fake-looking smile. "What's your name?" She asked, directing her words towards Trixie in a rather strong english accent, reaching out to run her fingers down Trixie's arm gently. "She's the owner of Stanley's 'rival' modeling business" he whispered, watching the blonde woman turn her smile back into a frown.

Trixie went through the motions, simply trying her best not to tremble. She was usually fine in front of a camera, but this, for some reason, was far more scary. She blinked in surprise as Matt pointed out the important looking woman making a beeline toward them, shuffling closer to him and tightening the arm she had slung around his waist for the most recent pose. She stood still as she got surveyed, glancing anxiously at Matt. She gave the woman a soft smile, looking back at her with the question. She opened her mouth to speak, faltering at the unexpected touch and flinching slightly. She smoothed it over quickly. "Oh- Trixie. Beatrix Hunte." She offered quietly, tilting her head toward Matt as he whispered and giving him a confused glance. Did that mean she was supposed to rebuff the woman, or what?

Matt watched as the woman continued to look Trixie up and down, tightenng his previously soft grip on her shoulder, keeping his arm round her nearly overprotectively as the woman finally opened her mouth to speak. "I'll keep an eye on you" she said quietly, qickly swiping a card into her hands before movig off, stoppig to stare at Matt, making some intense eye contact. "Just pay her no attention, unless you want Stanley to murder you" he said with a slight smile, nodding over at the bald man watching them. His gaze landed on Kiara for a split second, and he watched her as she passed, before looking back down at Trixie. "Anyway, I reckon there's a couple others that have their eye on you, you could always try heading up to others and speaking?" he asked jokingly, watching the various people looking in their direction.