Tyler threw up his hands with a snort. "I don't know how I deal with you." He rolled his eyes, turning away from the pool altogether. He looked at her. "Well, fine, call me what you'd like. Not like I can do anything about it." He chuckled, glancing at the trees. (Sorry it's so short...)
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(No worries. You want me to lengthen mine up a bit?) Regan smiled when he turned from and pool and placed a hand softly on his shoulder when he turned away. "Ahw, Tyler, don't be like that! You love having me about really, and you love talking to me too," she joked lightly. She really was just trying to be annoying right then. And, well, it was working pretty well. Good, this was fun. She hummed softly to the boy before shrugging a bit. "No, no you flcan not," she grinned happily to him before gently rubbing his shoulders in a kind of condescending manner.
Tyler looked at her. "Oh please." He rolled his eyes sarcastically... even though he was enjoying this. He had found out how to 'roll with the lunches' instead of punching back and knocking every tooth out of the other guys mouth. In this case: Laugh along with Regan instead of getting angry at her jokes. It was working out much better than he had expected it to... - (No yours are fine in length. I just need to think more bout it lol)
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Regan gave a happy sounding laugh at him cinment, gently flicking the back of his neck before standing up and offering him her hands. "Come on. Let's go take the dogs for a walk. Maybe we can find something other than for to hunt. Like a pheasant," she told him with a happy sounding smile. She really did like messing with him. He was getting better at playing along with her, too, which was obviously wonderful. He was finally just being friendly with her... after far too long of waiting, really.
Tyler stood up. "Sounds like a great idea." He smiled, then tipped his head and listened. "Raptor will be here in about two seconds" Tyler murmured, looking through the bushes. Exactly 2 seconds later the big dog came hurtling through the bushes and rammed into Tyler, knocking him over. "He heard you say 'dog' and 'hunting' and 'walk' all in one sentence, so he thought he went to heaven and needed to find us." Tyler chuckled... though it almost sounded like a wheeze, since all the air had been rammed out of his chest. He pushed the very happy dog off, standing up. "Lead the way." Tyler gestured with his hand, meanwhile takin a deep breath. He gave a glare to Raptor... though it was playful. "Ow." Tyler snorted at Raptor before walking forward, following Regan
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Regan laughed as she watched the boy and his dog, her puppy padding behind the larger dog happily. Millie just seemed to follow the bigger dog about, really quite liking him. She 'smiled' when she saw her owner and whined happily when she came over to the girl, tail wagging happily. Regan nodded and started bouncing off in the direction of the small field... a lot of bunnies and deer and the likes wandered around, so they'd get something easily without struggling too much. She'd healed up mostly... still a bit sore, but a hell of a lot better. She eventually stopped when they saw a slightly older-looking stag deer. It looked fairly old... an easy catch for sure. "What about that?" She asked quietly so not so scare it.
Tyler followed silently, Raptor padding a little ahead and scenting the air. He wagged his tail a couple minutes before Regan spoke, dropping into a hunters crouch. "Looks great. Maybe Raptor can teach Millie how to hunt a big deer." Tyler whispered. He knew Millie was a great hunter... Raptor just had more experience. He circled downwind, scenting the air again and creeping forward through the tall grass
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Regan gave a bit of a chuckle when he said his dog could show hers how it was done. Well, that was fine. Millie wanted to hunt... she clearly thought it was fun, but she wasn't particularly good at it. Or, she wasn't as good as Raptor, and she could do with getting a bit better. "I'm sure that's a good idea. Whenever we get split up, I'm going to need to eat somehow," she then mused lightly before shaking her head.
Raptor gestured to Millie with his tail. He told her to go around to the other side of the deer, then race in and nip at its legs. Try to make it trip and fall iver. Meanwhile, Raptor crept forward through the bushes, getting ready to spring at the stags throat (sorry it's so short, I'm just waiting for Millie to go lol)
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(Honestly, don't worry about length!) The young puppy just sat at Regan's side, staring at the girl until she'd given her the go-ahead to do whatever the other dog had instructed. When she waved her off, the dog trotted around to the other side and then looked at the dog who was at the other side. She crept forwards before darting towards it like she'd been instructed, trying to get between the large animals legs until it eventually tripped up.