Dakota felt that something strange was going on. "Kids, come here. Now." She looked at "Jacob". This man had a scar on his hand. "You're not Jacob." Dakota said. "Kids. Run." Zion and Arden carried Jennica and ran out the back window. "Take me instead." Dakota told the man. Zion had grabbed Dakota's phone when the guy came in. He called Jacob. "Dad! Dad!! Mom's getting killed inside! Help!" Zion started crying and he hung up. They ran to the barn and hid in the tackroom. Edited at August 28, 2022 05:46 PM by Brookfield Stables
his father laughs and said " oh ill take you but you and the kids " he grabs her and pulls her out of the house and towards the car then put her in it and ties her to the head board and close the door and head towards the barn jacob ran outside and got in his car and started to drive fast to get home
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Dakota squirmed around. She couldn't get out. Zion was smart and locked the door. They climbed out the tackroom window and ran to their cornfield. He didn't see them. They ducked down in the tall stalks. Hiding from danger.
father busted into the tack room and looks around and sighed then walks out and looks at the cornfield and walks back to the car and backs up and drove away fast passing jacob as he when then said " you will not say a word as we drive"
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"Okay." Dakota said. She was shaking so much. Tears fell down her face. "I love you Jacob. I'll see you again someday." Dakota whispered in her head.
jacob pulls in to the driveway and ran to the house then outside and said " no i should have stay here" -- dad drive over the speed limit to a old farmhouse on 50 miles away from town and parks then get out and opens her door and unties her pulls her out and takes her to the house
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"Daddy!!!" Zion and Arden yelled and ran to him sobbing. "She's gone. He was in a gray pickup truck. He left and sped away. Fast." Zion was sobbing. Arden hugged Jacob. "He's gonna kill mom. I heard him."
jacob hugs them and said " i will find her you will stay with grandma understand listen to her" -- dad said " what kind of guy would want a girl like you if she might have slept with his father" he looks at her and smirks
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"What? No!" Dakota yelled. --- Zion hugged Jacob. "Be safe dad!" The kids yelled.
dad said " no is always to wrong answer and second you have no chose" as he walks towards her and grabs her arm and pull her close to him --- jacob hugs zion and said " i will " and got back in the car and drove away
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