(Nahhh Zeph's superpower- you stare into his *captivating* eyes and spit out all your life's secrets XDDD) - Zephyr smiled a little. "You're lucky I said something, then, because normally I probably would've done the same thing. Sometimes I feel like a skeleton." He snorted, not even sure if the joke made sense. He glanced at her for a second, his gaze catching her eyes, and he almost felt lost in her green gaze. It was so soft and deep, like it traveled on forever. When she glanced away he did as well, finally ABLE to. It almost felt like he'd been mesmerized. She had POWERS AGH. Okay now his brain was messing with itself. Next. "How could I forget. I just figured out I don't suck at drawing humans, so I'm going to do it all the time now." He laughed a little, then furrowed his eyebrows slightly in thought. "Uhhhmmm.... well I'm pretty sure since the prom... but the night Blake - er - kissed you is when I realized." He answered with a quick glance away, hiding a slight look of Fury. "Okay. You owe me. What about you?"
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"I honestly have no clue. Probably after Blake started going nuts and you stood up for me. Now when I realized? That would probably be the same time you did. Maybe earlier. I don't exactly know..." she elbowed him lightly. "Look. Now we have an excuse. You're protecting me now. Its not just friendly protecting... it's actual, lay down your life kind of protecting. I would try to stand up for myself but you see how that's been going" she gave an internal groan and laid back down on the dirt. She knew her hair, back and legs were going to be red but she didn't mind.
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Zephyr nodded slowly. Sounded like his answer. Probably totally inaccurate just like his. He sucked at remembering things. Anyway. As she spoke again his eyebrows shot up. Jokes flooded his mind and the game. Was. On. "Man, I've never heard someone say *I like you* *oh really I like you too! Now you have to lay down your life for me* *0-0*" He mimicked the higher pitched voice of a girl and a slighter different male voice than his. "But I think I'd be a great knight in shining armor, just gimme some shining armor and a British accent and WALLA, I will lay down my life for you. Or, you know, that could be a totally normal thing in a different dimension, like if you tell someone you like them then you have to DIE for them for NO REASON. Or, well, I would've probably done it anyway so this changes nothing aaaand that means I have proved, in one paragraph, I am physcotic. Want to get coffee?" He asked with a wide grin
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"That was a lot and all I heard was knight in shining armor. Where's he at?" Her hand flew to her face as if she was blocking the sun and her head shot from side to side. She giggled and stood, grabbing his arm and pulling him up. "Yes I want coffee. I always want coffee. Now do I need it? Probably not."
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"Why do you always block out my most amazing statements?!" Zephyr groaned, mostly at the end of her sentence. "Hellooo, right here. You're the one that said I can't beat up Blake, how am I supposed to be a knight in shining armor now?" He huffed jokingly, standing as she tugged on him and turning down the steet. "Correction- definitely not. You always act like you drank 14 espressos."
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Sophia shrugged "I have no clue. But knights seem cool" she walked along side Zephyr, feeling the most comfortable she had is ages. Hee hand brushed his a few time when she wasn't paying attention to where she was going. Also, because she was Sophia, she tripped on the sidewalk a few times but grabbed Zephyr before she face planted.
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"Cool. Definitely the only adjective I was thinking of." He rolled his eyes a little, something he had mastered, and flinched forward slightly each time she tripped, his reflexes trying to kill him. The one time it helped though, thankfully. "It's just a sidewalk. We're almost there." He said jokingly with a small snort, opening the door.
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"I know it's just a freaking sidewalk but I swear it's TRYING to trip me!" She complained before he opened the door for her. "Aww thank you!" She waited for a second before walking to the counter. "A cake pop and that coffee. Still can't pronounce it..." the girl- the same one as last time- chuckled and nodded, turning to Zephyr. "And for you sir?"
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"I bet it is definitely getting higher and lower just to trip you and no one else." He agreed with a veeeeery slow nod, then glanced at her with a slight grin as she ordered. "And I'll just have the normal coffee again, but wow, sir? I feel old now." He joked with a slight laugh before going to sit down, and wait for his coffee.
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The girl at the counter seemed to shrink. "Sorry about that" she turned and started making the drinks. "Nice going Zeph" Sophia teased before making her way to the spot they sat in the time before. She fiddled with her bracelet as she looked at Zephyr. She glanced around a little before stretching and letting her leg brush his.
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