Sage felt like he couldn't breathe either...it was all happening exactly like his nightmare. He heard Max and looked down at the baby and then back to her, placing it gently next to her. "Our daughter is perfectly healthy and strong, Max," he whispered. He searched for something, anything, to help her, but his brain was in full panic mode. He didn't know what to do, or even what to say. He knew giving birth was hard, but it wasn't this hard, and especially when he had taken a lot of the pain with her.
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Max managed a weak smile and looked down at their daughter "She's perfect..." she whispered gently running a finger over the baby's head as she fussed. "Remember what you promised... please." she said gently "I love you both..." she said softly her heartbeat slowing as her eyes fluttered closed. "I'm so sorry..." Fate said gently as she made herself known her eyes were sad as she looked at him "Even I didn't know this would happen..." she said sadly.
Sage closed his eyes painfully and shook his head. "Fate, you know that I can't do this. If she dies, I fade...our life forces are bound. How am I supposed to take care of her if I'm fading? " He shifted so Max's head was laying in his lap and he placed a hand on her shoulder. He looked over at Fate, even though he couldn't see through the tears in his eyes. "What am I supposed to do," he whispered, his voice breaking.
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Fate lowered her gaze "I know... I-" she broke off noticing the ring she had on her finger she recognized the energy inside it as Max's her eyes widening "I understand now..." she murmured a smile forming on her lips as she sat on the other side of the bed a book popping into her hands "You remember how I told you that two new demons would become part of deaths ranks? I thought after realizing Maxine was pregnant it meant twins... but now I think its Maxine..." she said "Maxine is the second demon... well half demon..." she said offering him the book. "Demonic resurrection" "If the soul is contained in a vessel it may be resurrected by a demon with the sacrifice of said demon's power." "Don't you see? if you share your power with Maxine and put her soul back into her body you may very well be able to resurrect her as a demon... or in her case a half demon as part of your power belongs to your child as well." Fate said.
Sages eyes widened slowly and he whipped his head around to stare at Max, and then back to Fate. "Are ...are you saying I can bring her back? But won't I need her permission to do something like that?" His breathing was short and fast now...panic mixed with hope mixed with crazed confusion made for a pretty scrambled brain. He tightened his grip on their daughter slightly and stared at Fate, eyes wide. "Are you saying she's immortal like me? We'll be together forever? All of us?"
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"Yes... but I don't know how she'll fair... for all we know bringing her back as a demon could drive her into madness as unlike your daughter she wont have grown up being a demon... and yes you'll need deaths permission." she told him "If you don't get his permission it isn't possible..." she told him. "As far as their immortality I couldn't say... no demon has had a child with a mortal and mortals are usually only resurrected as demons because it can drive them mad..." she said "What I can do is save the small breath she has in her body now and buy you time... as soon as that breath is gone her body will start to die at an accelerated rate..." she said.
Sage winced, heasitating. Then he sighed. "I'll have to try. But...how am I even supposed to find Death? I'm not under him anymore....I don't know where he's at." He didn't think Death would let him do this, but he wasn't going to give up, not now.
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Fate gave a nod "Just because you're not under him anymore doesn't mean you can't find him... besides I'm willing to bet he hasn't moved from the place you last saw him... why would he? Its not like he doesn't have demons to send out." she said "I'll look after Max and your daughter in the meantime if you wish..." she offered.
Sage took a deep breath and ran his fingers through Max's hair one more time before he stood up and handed his daughter to Fate. He took off running, and made a crack in the ground, jumping down to Death's realm. He landed and right away other demons converged on him, but he fought his way through them, gaining more and more power as he killed them all. He kicked open the doors to Deaths throne room to find him sitting on his throne. He stalked forward, blade in hand and ready to fight if it came to that. "We need to talk."
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Fate took the little girl telling Sage not to worry. After he left she cleaned the little girl up and fed her the best he could whilst they waited for Sage to return. Deaths lips curled into a smile "I figured you'd be here sooner or later." he said "Let me guess... what Fate said would happen has happend eh?" he smirked "We tried to warn you did we not?" he asked turning to Roxie who came into the room in a beautiful purple gown her hair in a braid that castcaded off her left shoulder and she was adorned in gold... bracelets, necklaces... even her headpiece she wore was gold Death had essencially given her a promotion and now? She was the queen beside the king.