
Trixie gave him a warm smile. "It should be, for you." She teased, the expectant look fading from her eyes slightly. She was still going to make it as difficult for him as possible- while also trying not to break the 'rule' herself. She rolled her eyes at his second comment. "Torture is supposed to be painful. You would be in pain." She said sarcastically, holding his gaze for as long as he would let her. As he put on a movie, she promptly went to his left side and curled up under the blanket, her side touching his casually.

"What are you suggesting there?" Matt asked with a smile, tilting his head as he spoke, his tongue rolling over the words in the strong accent. He gave a slight, throaty laugh at her second comment, getting a little more comfortable as she curled up next to him, his heart racing slightly as her side brushed against his. "I'm just saying if it was torture from you, it would be funny. I'd like it" he joked, giving her a teasing wink as he settled back. He looked up as the TV got a little louder, then stared back down at his hands, looking up to Trixie every now and then through his hair.

"Nothing, nothing at all." Trixie said sarcastically, glaring at him at his next comment. "Should I take that as a compliment or an insult?" She asked teasingly. She settled in to watched the movie, glancing at him often. Her eyes lingered on him as his fingers ran through his hair.

"Of course not" Matt sighed, staring over at Trixie for a couple seconds before looking back up at the tv. "A compliment, if im allowed to do that" he said jokingly, leaning back against the pillow to hopefully relax and stop being so weirdly..tense whenever her side brushed againt his. He decided to let himself settle back to watch the rest of the movie, and only looked up near the end to speak to Trixie, though as he did a rather loud jumpscare echoed from the tv, and he raised his eyebrows by means of jumping.

"Eh, I'll allow it. Actually, you should compliment me more often. I take well to flattery." Trixie teased. The longer the movie went on, the more often she flinched, or jumped, almost always into him. Around halfway through She got up and grabbed his hoodie, throwing it back on and crawling into bed next to him again. She turned to look at him as she felt his gaze turn to her, but instead found herself flinching into him again with an alarmed look at the TV. "...did I mention I hate horror movies?" She said meekly.

" I don't think so Trixie, you'd have to work for that" Matt said jokingly, watching as she got up and re-stole his hoodie. He didnt say anything, instead let her sit back down, still amused from the multiple times she had flinched throughout the movie. Though, it did startle him slightly as she flinched into hi, and he instinctively put his hand on her leg by means of calming her down. "I think its pretty obvious" he said with a smile, his voice quiet as he looked at her. "Funny though" he added, giving her a playful look.

Trixie gave him a small smile as he laid a hand on her leg, pressing into him ever so slightly. "Oh, good. Well, I hate horror movies." She joked, watching him intensely. She scoffed and flopped her head against his shoulder dramatically. "Well, my purpose is always to entertain you." She huffed sarcastically.

should we skip to that event thing next week? and then possibly the whole glitch in the system thing after?


I really need to keep Matt on his "being a prick" stuff instead of being so nice ibr would you like me to start?